Thank you!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robo321, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. BenDover

    BenDover Well-Known Member

    Okay. Not a problem. Heck I will go further than that. Come after we close and I will unlock the door for ya.
  2. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member


    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank the inconsiderate idiot that was driving the dump truck that leisurely pulled out in front of a car that was in front of me on Hwy. 50 and Buffaloe this morning where they are doing some kind of maintenance on a water shed/system. The car in front of me was going at least 50 mph when this jerk pulls right out with absolutely NO consideration for anyone's safety and then proceeds to drive up Hwy. 50 at 35 mph. Thanks you idiot! Hope you got to where you were going.

    Oh, and the guy that turned left onto I-40 off of 401/S. Saunders this morning driving a big truck with a trailer hauling a bull dozer. Smooth move when you quickly switched lanes right in front of a car that almost ate the front end of that bulldozer. Did you forget the motto "Safey First"?

    I would also like to thank all the "looky loos", "rubber neckers", whatever you want to call them that have to slow down and look at every accident, tire change, person pulled over, abandoned vehicle, etc. on I-40. The last time I checked I-40 was not considered a scenic highway....Keep it moving people!

    And lastly for all those people that get in the straight lane at Cleveland School Road and Hwy 42, but really want to take a left onto Cleveland School Rd. Get you A** in the turning lane if that is where you want to go. Don't clog up the straight lane on Hwy 42 just so you can jump in front of someone at the light and make your left. While we are talking about turning....if you are going to turn into a road and you see me sitting there waiting to pull out, then PLEASE use your freaking signal. I am not a psychic and can't predict your next move.

    Wow, this is a great thread. Thanks for starting the Thank You thread.

    I feel much better.
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    How about all those people that leave messages on your voice mail like, "This is James, you know my number." And then complain because you don't call them back. Do they think we only have one client named James? And are we supposed to have all their numbers memorized?
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    To pit; Not saying that will give you a ticket, just that they are within the law if they choose to do so. And that if I am not mistaken the points for Road rage tickets are the same as for a C & R. This is also a fairly new law, just as the Move law is fairly new.

    To Zoo; Try using that story to police when you tapping your breaks causes 4-6 car pile up on I-40 during rush hour traffic, not mention to your insurance company when they are being assesed partial liability due to your actions.

  6. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Yes, KDsGrandma, that'd be a BIG one!! LOLOLOLOL

    Thanks to all the people who call me and who leave a name and no number AND the ones who call and leave a number and NO NAME :shock: I'm sorry but my crystal ball has LONG been out of service............

    And thanks to all the people who set an appointment, are told to bring certain items and STILL do not bring them and look at us like we have 9 noses when we ask for the items. And, why of course that is OUR fault. :roll: Again, my crystal ball is out of service. And I don't do tarot cards. I will, however, be more than happy to reschedule your appointment to a time that you can provide the information needed in order for us to help you. Yes, we do have computers with internet access, but that does NOT mean that we are hooked up to EVERYTHING pertaining to you. There are things you will have to just "break bad" and do.

    I think I speak the sentiments of most legal or medical or any other professional office setting.
  7. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Now I know how Cleopatra feels...

    I agree with BenDover.

    If you don't want people coming in ten minutes before closing, lock the doors eleven minutes before closing.

    Here's a clue. Your hours are not the clinic's public hours. Didn't they tell you that when you were hired?

    If you don't like the hours, get another job.
  8. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    Also, did you ever think people actually have to work during the day while they are sick and the only time they have is after work? Not everyone has sick days and understanding employers.
  9. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    Ken, you forgot the ending...

    "Thank you Mr. POS Rolling Recycling CeeeEEEEeennnnter Guy."
  10. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    For the love of Pete! Thank you!!
  11. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    oops, missed it...sorry 8) hey I had extra E's

    Thank you angel on my shoulder to urge me to go back to the gym only to realize it was a little devil. (Man, I hurt!!!)
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Thank you Craig, for being a funsucker. :lol:

    And thank YOU T4TB, for being your usual self and trying to make a thread all about you. :roll:

    MA, your post was hilarious - "I'D LOVE TO BE YOUR DRIVING INSTRUCTOR!!" :lol: :lol:
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    A HUGE THANK YOU to the jackas$ coming down Barber Mill Rd. He was behind a truck and I guess the truck wasn't going fast enough for him and he decided in his little teeny weeny car to whip it out to see if anyone was coming so he could pass the truck. He damn near took off my mirror when he came out. Can I be in charge of the universe now please? :roll: :roll:

    stupid fucker
  14. robo321

    robo321 Well-Known Member

  15. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I know everyone doesn't have sick days, for God's sake we are open until 9pm.
  16. Clif

    Clif Guest

    May I presume that your hours are posted on the door (or at least somewhere where your customers can see it)? May I also presume that you don't have a sign saying something like, "We don't accept patents during the last 10 minutes of our open hours"?

    Your complaint is without merit.

    If you're open until 9:00pm and I come in at 8:59pm for treatment, you should see me with the same pleasure you would give for someone who came in at 10:00am. Whether or not I was sick for two weeks prior is of no bearing.

    You are a service person. Your sole goal in life is to make me happy. That's what you get paid for. If you don't like it, get another job.
  17. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    If I go into a store 10 minutes before closing time to pick up a quart of milk, I expect to be served with a smile. If I go into a store 10 minutes before closing time, grab a shopping cart and start going up and down the aisles, I expect to see lights turning off to give me a hint the store is about to close.
  18. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    and i bet if we went into her place of business 10 minutes before closing she wouldn't give us a haircut or highlights.
  19. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I just feel like it's wrong to come in at the last minute, I would't go to a restaurant 10-15 minutes before they close. I wouldn't go shopping for clothes or groceries and hold them up 30-45 minutes after closing. I'm sorry I expect the same courtesy. If it's an emergency, then I understand. If you cut yourself or broke a bone, I would understand. Just because I have a problem with this, does not mean I should get another job. I can guarantee 95% of the healthcare professionals would feel the same way. I am not a robot that never tires and always wants to make everyone happy. Closing to me means getting your **** and going home. It means maybe getting home in time to kiss your kids good night. It means getting home in time to wind down 30 minutes before you have to go to bed and do this again the next day. Maybe the public's attitude is one reason there is such a shortage in the healthcare field.
  20. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    You are exactly right!

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