Thank you!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by robo321, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for making me grateful a few broken bones have kept me off the roads for the past few weeks :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    I would just like to tell the Black Truck that was behind my tonight riden my tail, your welcome for me not putting on my turn signal. Next time you might not want to ride so close and I might give you the go ahead to swing around.
    Also to the little white car on I-40 who just thought they had to pass me running 90MPH just to slam on brakes and cut ME off just to make their exit. Why not just stay behind me in the first place, did you get there any faster by doing that! NOPE.

    And to the green chevy that had to fly up on my rear tonight on I-40 I hope you liked getting your windsheild clean when I cleanded mine. LMAOm Next time don't ride my tail. Or you will buy my whole family.
  3. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Well-Known Member

    Gotta love those that speed pass you and then end up at the same stop light/sign at the same time you do.
  4. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

  5. 1_more_PitBull

    1_more_PitBull Well-Known Member

    Just thought of another thing that makes me mad. Why can people not walk like they drive? It makes me so mad that if I'm on the right side and they just keep coming at me headon. Were am I to go, into the selfs???? :twisted: :twisted:
  6. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    The problem is they ARE walking like they drive.

  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Actually I drive better than I walk! :shock:
  8. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Some days I do as well......especially on the golf course.

  9. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Thank you to the idiot who was zipping through the neighborhood while the kiddies were trick or treating, tossing your empty beer can out the window at the mailbox as you blasted by... (really REALLY wish I had a paintgun)(or a shotgun) :twisted:
  10. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Thank you to then neighbor who has a dog that barks constantly. It's a real treat.
  11. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Thank you to all the people who stop and stand in the MIDDLE of the aisle at the store to decide what they want off the shelf or to go through their coupons. Pull the grocery cart over to side, Brainiac and let others go by. And please, if you are in the middle and someone says "excuse me", there is no need to look at the person like they are bothering you. YOU are the hinderance, MOVE.......... :wink:

    Thanks to the people who use a shopping cart and leave it in the middle of the parking lot, IN A PARKING SPACE no less......That's why they have those shopping cart stations so you don't have to walk back to the store. They already make is easy for ya to be lazy, must you show DOWNRIGHT sorryness and leave it in the middle of the lot or a space? That's as bad as the kid who throws their dirty clothes on the floor BESIDE the hamper instead of IN the hamper.
  12. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    A big thank you to the I-D-ten-T's that LOVE to clean out all the trash in their car and truck as they drive by my home and farm.

    I mean who need to toss out a t-shirt, a bottle of cologne, one black dress shoe and enough trash to fill a 55 gal. drum almost every month. Sheeeeze.

    Now if only someone would toss out Green Cash! LOL! :lol:
  13. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    YES! I hear ya.
  14. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    To CraigSPL:

    Your comment about "brake tapping" being illegal was interesting. You should know that "tailgating" is illegal too. It's called "following too close". I should know. I was pulled for it once. My method for the "tailgaters" is to just start slowing down, and if necessary, to the point of stopping in the middle of the road (you know that I don't want to run over that poor little turtle in the road and I need to wait for it to cross over). They have a choice then of sitting there or coming around me. And when they come around me, I make sure that they see me laughing my ass off. They will blow two veins at that point.

    Calling the cops about the idiots out there is pointless. The cops will just tell you that they have to witness the event. Some things you just have to take care of yourself. 8)
  15. melimel

    melimel Member

    Thank-you to all the people who just stand there and stare at you while in a store expecting you to move without saying exuse me. Like I am a mind reader or something.
  16. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Never said that tailgating was legal (unless you are at a sporting event). it is just that so many people list the brake tap as their automatic means of getting a tailgater to back off, when in reality it can by law be considered road rage/aggressive driving and in the state of NC you can get a ticket for such. As for stopping in the middle of the road that is a citationable offense as well, titled obstructing the right of way. And in the state of NC stopping and causing an accident due stopping to prevent hitting an animal will get you a citation just as quick as the person tailgating you, not to mention that you will be assessed with atleast partial liability by the insurance companies.

  17. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    I don't think that I would be held liable for trying to keep from hitting an animal or a child. I hit a horse years ago and it made a real mess. It was unavoidable though. Have you ever seen the carnage from a horse, cow, or deer coming over the hood into and through someone's windshield? I don't believe that I would worry about that "tailgater" behind me if trying to avoid something like that again. Generally, if you rear-end someone, it is your fault for following too close. Remember your Driver's Ed? One car length for every 10mph. Remember my comment about the cops witnessing the event? It would be my word against the idiot tailgater. 8)
  18. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Now a horse or a deer I can understand, yes, break for it, but I doubt any police officer will let you get away with, "But officer, I had to break suddenly so I wouldn't run over the little squirrel/turtle/chipmunk/etc" :lol:
  19. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    melimel wroye:
    Maybe you're just oblivious to those around you. Don't feel bad though, it happens to lots of people in our suburban society.

    blessed wrote:
    Oh my goodness, there are just so many people to thank I don't know where to begin. I'd like to thank all the morons who wave me through because you don't know how four-way intersections work. I'd like to thank the idiots in the check out line who argue five minutes over a 25 cent coupon and then get mad because I give you a quarter to move on. Thank you to all you folks who don't realize you actually have to PAY after your groceries are totaled and bagged, causing a great panic as to how you're going to pull it off. I'd also like to thank all the doofus drivers on highway 42 who can't talk to their passenger without looking them in the face, making hand gestures, and driving 10 mph below the speed limit. I'd like to thank the citizen speed limit enforcers who drive the posted limit in the left lane so the rest of us won't get tickets. There are so many people I'm leaving out, and they're too clueless to realize what morons they are, but I salute them anyway. What would life be without the comedy they provide! Its more fun than watching monkeys in the zoo.

    55 doesn't really mean 55. If it did then the deputies and troopers wouldn't ride your bumper and blow around you doing 70 on their way to Golden Coral. Something for you citizen speed enforcers to consider.
  20. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    You didn't realize that "42" actually means 42 MPH, or less, instead of HWY 42? Oh, and "50" is the same. :wink: :lol:

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