The No Parking Signs on Exit Ramp for 70 East from 40 East

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by LJN, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Heeeere's your sign!
  2. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] :lol:
  3. Monkey Butt

    Monkey Butt Guest

    I saw them yesterday and thought the same thing.
  4. JC1000

    JC1000 Member

    signs probably run about $250 each

    my company buys handicap signs when paving parking lots and they are usually $125 a piece and we are a private company buying them, no tellin the state probably paid $250 or more for them.

    i take the darn exit home every night and those signs are DRIVING ME CRAZY. they are so close together, it's like they were afraid a car was going to park between them or something. did they have some extra stock are something? why not return them for crying out loud? have you seen a car park there? I haven't in 2.5 years I have lived here. just a sad commentary to how wasteful our governments can be, even given the times we are in....when are they going to get it???
  5. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    Anyone notice recently that one of the signs has been knocked over? I guess you can park in that spot now! I'll race you to it! :)
  6. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Didn't WRAL do a story about this the other night? I missed it, anybody know what was said as far as the reason for the signs?
  7. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

  8. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  9. rbcwolf

    rbcwolf Active Member

    What Mr. Whitley says makes sense. Signs spaced at 200' apart sounds like a good distance on paper, but driving by, maybe 500' would have been better. Still, they are saving money though.

    I work for DOT in another Department. Believe me, we are cutting back costs. I'm not going into many details, but small stuff like cutting our water back in bathrooms to next to nothing to reconsidering methods of construction in all areas. DOT is trying to be good stewards for us citizens.

    Government has its problems, but most of the good goes unnoticed because it is too easy to critisize things that don't have obvious answers. Like my lack of good spelling!
  10. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    Thank you for that input rbcwolf. I also work for a state govt. organization and can sympathize.
  11. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    you must have missed the last quotation about $4000 for signs compared to $40000 for shoulder reconstruction each year. Not to mention the legal liability that comes with excessive edge of pavement dropoffs. so over the next 10 years they could potentially save close to a half million dollars, thats a waste? The reason they space them at 200 feet is to limit the area available for a truck to pull over on the shoulder.
  12. LJN

    LJN Well-Known Member

    Wow! Didn't know this was going to get nasty. First of all, it does still "appear" that there is room for a truck to pull over - in between the signs. I have never actually seen a truck parked anywhere along this stretch. And - I have never seen any repairs being done to the shoulder or noticed any need for it. Plus, the signs are ugly. Would rather have seen some pretty trees planted. That would have taken care of the truck drivers in a more environmentally friendly way.
  13. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    you cant plant trees that close to the roadway, that would be a potentially deadly hazard for people who cant keep their car on the road.
  14. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I guess we will have to take out all the trees along 95 and 40, and all the backroads, and that one at the corner of McLemore and Indian Camp....
  15. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    I believe there is what they call a "clear zone" which is a distance off the travel lane where certain obstructions are not permitted. This distance obviously changes based on the type of road. Its a lot easier to gather some facts rather than guess, no?
  16. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Wow... you burned me bad on that one. I don't think I will recover. <slinks away from the keyboard>

    <ok, I am back>
    Tell me, why is this so important to you? Did you personally sign for this waste? I have no issue with a few signs, but 40 of 'em? Give me a break. And how about the medians on 440 and 40? What about concrete barriers? Asking seriously here, since you are in the know maybe you could actively participate in the discussion rather than pull the Comic Book Guy act.
  17. seabee

    seabee Guest

    FIRE, FIRE, I see it in them eyes. watch out.
  18. NY9

    NY9 Well-Known Member

    if being born with half a brain and an ounce of common sense makes me "in the know" then consider me "in the know". Im going by the facts that were stated and doing math to figure it is not a waste of my money if these signs deter truckers from pulling over on the side of the road and rutting the shoulders. Concrete barriers are used to seperate oncoming traffic when not enough area is available to provide a safe distance between oncoming traffic or to protect traffic from obstructions such as bridge columns, same with guardrail. If the ditance is available, such is on areas of I-40, then nothing would be necessary. This also probably changes depending on the function of the road, i.e speed limit.
  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Awe... look at that - you got me AGAIN!!!

    You just can't help yourself...

    I know what concrete barriers are for. Thanks. :)
  20. Clif001

    Clif001 Guest

    Is that all you have? I'm sorry. Those of us will a full brain and common sense sometimes forget that there are people like you on the board.

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