The Upper Room - all things Christian

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. SunShine26

    SunShine26 Well-Known Member

    Please check out my channel on youtube. Bugaboo8302

    I have a lot of videos posted there of some of my fav songs by 2 groups I listen to quite often.
  2. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  3. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  5. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  6. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  8. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Had to serve a paper on someone at their job the other day. It was a large hotel. I asked for the manager and here’s how the conversation went:

    Manager: You don’t remember me do you?

    Me: Sorry, but I don’t. I talk to about 50 new people a day, 4 days a week.

    Manager: Well, about 3 years ago you served me some divorce papers and it was one of the lowest points of my life.

    You saw that I was stressed out and you asked where I stood with the Lord.

    I noticed you were wearing a small gold cross above your name tag and I asked if you were a minister. You said, “No, just someone who loves my Lord.”

    We continued to talk and you shared your faith with me, telling me that I didn’t have to bear the burden alone for what I was going through, that there was someone else who I could put my trust into to get my life back on track.

    Well, I did put my faith in Jesus and my life has been better ever since. My relationship with my children has gotten better and although my marriage didn’t survive, I’m a better man.

    I just want to say thank you for taking the time that day to talk with me.

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    To my 4042 Brothers & Sisters in Christ, don't squander an opportunity to share the GOOD NEWS!

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    This post reminds me of a 4042 member who asked me way back to stop sharing the Gospel while on duty. I haven't been very obedient. :)
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Kent, that is awesome! I must say that witnessing is something that I am not good at. I would love to share with people but I do not want to seem pushy or cram it down their throats. It's really tough to find that "just right" technique. From one Christian to another, I am very appreciative and proud of you. :grouphug:
  10. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. 1 Peter 3:15
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    Sister, what is a witness?

    Nothing more than someone who shares what they’ve seen and heard.

    You don’t have to memorize a script or make anything up, just tell YOUR story – how a relationship with Jesus Christ has impacted your life.

    No need to be “pushy” or to “cram” something down, but do have confidence that God will put the right words on your lips at the right time.

    Will God take you out of your comfort zone?

    You betcha!

    But the more you do something, the more comfortable it gets.

    So, just say, “Here I am, Lord! Use me!” and the witnessing will take care of itself!

    I will lift you up in prayer for boldness and that God will put an oppportunity in front of you this week!

    I look forward to soon hearing how it went! :)
  11. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  12. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  13. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Great book recommendation

    Israel's feasts are infinitely more important than just a series of cultural observances. These feasts are appointed by the Lord, and they are owned by the Lord. He calls them "my feasts." Together they form God's prophetic calendar, outlining the work of history's most important person...Jesus, the Messiah. As such, few themes are more timely or rewarding for God's people today.

    The Feasts of the Lord covers all aspects of the biblical feasts...historical background, biblical observance, and prophetic significance. Yet, this book is not just another reference book on the feasts. It is written from the Hebrew Christian viewpoint, helping you to see the feasts through Jewish eyes.

    The words of the Savior, His messianic claims, and Bible prophecy will all take on a rich, new relevance for you against the exciting backdrop of The Feasts of the Lord.

  14. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    The Star of Bethlehem

    One of my favorite speakers/pastors is Steve Hadley from Harvest Fellowship, Reno, NV.

    The 12/18 sermon is great for astronomy buffs (and everyone else!) who would like to hear more about the Star of Bethlehem and how the constellations tell the story of Jesus Christ.


    Steve's other sermons are also great. He is a wonderful speaker that puts bible history, culture, and teachings into context.

    Another great DVD on the same subj:
  15. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

  16. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  17. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Did the Rooster Crow? - Peter's denials of Christ

    I've been studying a lot more on Jewish culture and their Feast Days.

    During an online video the speaker mentioned that there were NO chickens allowed in Jerusalem so how could Peter have heard any roosters/cocks crow?

    So, I did a little more research and this article was one of the best that corroborated the online video.

    I find this very interesting as I have never heard any Christian pastor/speaker take this same position.

    Any thoughts from anyone else?

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    Did the Rooster Crow?

    A common problem that exists in our English Bibles is mistranslation of the original text. Sometimes this seems to be the direct result of translators who were attempting to remove all hint of ‘Jewishness’ from the New Covenant (Testament) in order to support their particular theology. Other times it appears to be caused by ignorance of the Hebrew idioms or expressions. A classic example of the latter can be found in the story concerning Peter's denial of Y’shua on the night of the Covenant Meal (Last Supper):

    “And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren’. But he said to Him, ‘Lord, I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death’. Then He said, ‘I tell you, Peter, the rooster ('cock' in KJV) will not crow this day before you will deny three times that you know Me’”. (Luke 22:31-34)

    Later that night the Temple Guards arrested Y’shua and took Him to the house of the High Priest. There Simon Peter was allowed admission to the courtyard in view of where they were questioning Y’shua:

    “And a certain servant girl, seeing him as he sat by the fire, looked intently at him and said, ‘This man was also with Him’. But he denied Him, saying, ‘Woman, I do not know Him’. And after a little while another saw him and said, ‘You also are of them’. But Peter said, ‘Man, I am not!’ Then after about an hour had passed, another confidently affirmed saying, ‘Surely this fellow also was with Him, for he is a Galilean’. But Peter said, ‘Man, I do not know what you are saying!’ And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster (cock) crowed. And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said to him, ‘Before the rooster (cock) crows, you will deny Me three times. Then Peter went out and wept bitterly”. (Luke 22:56-62).

    This is one of the more famous stories in the Gospel accounts; repeated in both Matthew and Mark as well. However, there is one problem with the translation; chickens were not allowed in Jerusalem during Temple times. The reason for this prohibition was because chickens are very dirty birds and they have the obnoxious habit of finding their way into places where they do not belong. Therefore, to assure that chickens could not gain access to the Temple and desecrate the Holy Place or, worse yet, the Holy of Holies, the Priests simply forbids everyone in Jerusalem from having chickens.

    So, what about this famous passage of Scripture? It clearly says in the New King James Version, just quoted, that a ‘rooster’ crowed and it was heard in the courtyard of the palace of the High Priest.

    The proper translation is really quite evident when the practices of that time are understood. The ‘rooster’ or ‘cock’ that Peter and Y’shua heard was not a bird at all, but a man. That man was a priest at the Temple. He was the one who had the responsibility of unlocking the Temple doors each and every morning before dawn. Every night this priest would lock the doors to the Temple and place the key in an opening in the floor of one of the Temple side rooms. Then he would place a flat stone over the opening and place his sleeping mat over the stone. He would literally sleep over the key to the Temple. In the morning this priest would arise at first light and retrieve the key. He would then proceed to unlock the doors to the Temple and cry out three statements in a loud voice: "All the cohanim (priests) prepare to sacrifice”. "All the Leviim (Levites) to their stations”. "All the Israelites come to worship”. Then he would repeat these statements two more times.

    The priest in question was known as the Temple Crier, and he was called ‘alektor’ in Greek, which can either be a ‘cock’ or ‘man’ (cock is Gever in Hebrew). ‘Alektor’ here was incorrectly assumed to be the ‘cock’ or ‘rooster’ instead of the Priestly Temple Crier. It was his obligation to rouse all the Priests, Levites, and worshippers and call them to begin their preparations for the morning sacrifice service. In the stillness of the early morning, sound carries well and since the palace of the High Priest was within a very short walk from the Temple, it was the Temple Crier's cry that was heard in the courtyard where Y’shua was being questioned and not the cock/rooster. Josephus (pg 187), the historian, and many others, confirms this by stating that no chickens were allowed inside Jerusalem’s walls at all as they flew into the Temple and defiled the Temple (see references further below).

    While this example does not change the meaning of the event (that Peter would deny Yeshua despite his bravado earlier in the evening), it does serve to illustrate how English reading Bible students as well as other languages have been shortchanged in their understanding of some of the events as they actually took place. Also, by knowing the true facts about the Gever one's attention becomes focused on the fact that Yeshua, the Son of God, was being questioned while standing within earshot of His Father’s House (the Temple).

  18. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  19. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  20. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Don't leave home without it!!


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