The Upper Room - all things Christian

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Video to Sara Groves' song, "When the Saints" -- I LOVE this song!


    Lord I have a heavy burden of all I've seen and know
    It's more than I can handle
    But your word is burning like a fire shut up in my bones
    and I cannot let it go

    And when I'm weary and overwrought
    with so many battles left unfought

    I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard
    I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
    And when the Saints go marching in
    I want to be one of them

    Lord it's all that I can't carry and cannot leave behind
    it often overwhelms me
    but when I think of all who've gone before and lived the faithful life
    their courage compells me
    And when I'm weary and overwrought
    with so many battles left unfought

    I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard
    I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars

    I see the shepherd Moses in the Pharohs court
    I hear his call for freedom for the people of the Lord

    And when the Saints go marching in
    I want to be one of them
    And when the Saints go marching in
    I want to be one of them

    I see the long quiet walk along the Underground Railroad
    I see the slave awakening to the value of her soul

    I see the young missionary and the angry spear
    I see his family returning with no trace of fear

    I see the long hard shadows of Calcutta nights
    I see the sisters standing by the dying man's side

    I see the young girl huddled on the brothel floor
    I see the man with a passion come and kicking down the door

    I see the man of sorrows and his long troubled road
    I see the world on his shoulders and my easy load

    And when the Saints go marching in
    I want to be one of them
    and when the Saints go marching in
    I want to be one of them
    I want to be one of them
    I want to be one of them
    I want to be one of them

    Trailer to a film that I'd like to get my hands on, Sara Groves (LOVE her voice!) missions trip to Africa, and a video to a song that trip inspired her to write.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2008
  2. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  3. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Gospel Sing

    The Rivenbark family, featuring father-daughter duo Keith and Kayla Rivenbark, will be singing at Elizabeth United Methodist Church on Sunday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m. This popular local gospel singing group enjoys sharing their gifts and God's love throughout the region. Elizabeth Church is located at 4269 Cleveland Rd. From the 4042 area, going toward Smithfield, it's on the right hand side about a mile past the intersection with Polenta Rd., and just before Lee Trace s/d. There will be no admission charge for the performance, but a love offering will be taken. Feel free to PM me for more information.
  5. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  6. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  7. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  8. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Good Bible Prophecy links

    Are we living in the End Times? I think so.

    Can Jesus come any moment? You betcha.

    For those who are interested in Bible Prophecy, here are some good links to take a look at:

    Hal Lindsey Report - Part 1 -

    Hal Lindsey Report - Part 2 -

    Hal Lindsey home page:

    John Hagee - Part 1 -

    John Hagee - Part 2 -

    John Hagee - Part 3 - couldn't locate

    John Hagee - Part 4 -

    John Hagee - Part 5 -

    John Hagee - Part 6 -

    John Hagee - Part 7 -

    John Hagee - 10 signs we are the final generation - Part 1 -

    John Hagee - 10 signs - Part 2 -

    John Hagee - The Rapture of the Church -

    John Hagee - The Great Tribulation - Part 1 -

    John Hagee - The Great Tribulation - Part 2 -

    John Hagee - home page -

    Tim Lahaye & Jerry Jenkins - The Rapture -

    Who's Who in Bible Prophecy -
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    They came to our little church in December and they are absolutely awesome! Kayla is a beautiful young lady with the voice of an angel. She and Keith are totally surrounded by the Holy Spirit when they sing.

    Hubby and I are planning to go tomorrow night. Thank you so much for posting this Grandma.

    Will you be there? How can I find you to say hello?
  10. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Anybody ever seen the group Fortress? They are wonderful. They are all local boys from Garner.
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  12. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Hught: thoroughly enjoyed that link. Even knowing that it was a depiction of ACTUAL events, it seemed like it was real.

    It reminded me of something I saw while I was stationed in Pearl Harbor.

    I came across some very good overhead, 3D, images of Pearl Harbor just a few days BEFORE Dec. 7th, 1941.

    Viewing the 3D images through a light table binocular viewer, it almost seemed like you were in an airplane flying over Oahu. It almost put you in that same time frame.

    All the ships were moored in Battleship Row, Arizona, everybody.


    These google earth rendered shots had the same effect.
  13. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    In loving memory of my great-uncle, JW Fuller, Jr.

    May God bless you in your new Home....

    Think of stepping on the river's shore ---
    and finding it heaven

    of breathing pure air ---
    and finding it celestial air

    of seeing a face ---
    and finding it is God's face

    of feeling a touch ---
    and finding it is God's hand

    of waking up ---
    and finding you're home.​
  14. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Mommy3: enjoyed that poem. I thought about it when I read my devotion from, Dr. Adrian Rogers.

    "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and
    to be present with the Lord." 2 Corinthians 5:8

    A man named Solomon Peas died. His tombstone in London reads:

    "Beneath these clouds and beneath these trees lies the body of Solomon Peas.
    But this ain't Peas - it's just the pod. Peas shelled out and went to God."

    I like that.

    That's what your body is. It's just a pod. What happens to a child of God
    who has trusted Christ as his personal Savior? When he closes his eyes in this life,
    he opens them in the next. Jesus did not say, "After two or three thousand
    years, you'll be with Me in paradise." Jesus said, "Today, truly,
    you'll be with Me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).

    Are you confident that if you died today that you'd be with Jesus in paradise?
    If not, then confess your sins and believe upon His name to save you. Now, go and
    tell someone!
  15. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    Here's the church, here's the steeple...

    I was working some off-duty security at a church pre-school today and saw a terrific painting of a little boy teaching this rhyme to a little girl.

    My mama taught this to me when I was little and I taught it to my daughter.
  16. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

  17. clive

    clive Well-Known Member

  18. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    10-4, you're welcome. I'm a big fan of Max Lucado and how he presents the Gospel.
  19. peekaboo

    peekaboo Well-Known Member


    Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way. There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
    You've got no time to spare, But as you hurry and scurry-
  20. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    I like that.

    Here's a few more:

    FAITH - forsaking all I trust Him

    SIN - selling into nothing

    TGIF - thank God I'm forgiven

    FROG - fully rely on God

    IROCC - I rely on Christ completely

    BUSY - being under Satan's yoke

    JUICE - Justified by God, Under the Blood, In Christ forever, Changed by the Holy Spirit, Enpowered by His love

    DEBT - doing everything but tithing

    FEAR - false expectations appearing real

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