I moved here 12 years ago and love it. People complain all the time about one thing or another, (even me). If people complain and are vindictive in it, I have no problem about telling them to shut up. Yes I am from the North. If people are so unhappy with their lives and locations I don't want to here it. I will not hesitate to be frank with ANYONE no matter where they are from.
Yankees are basically ill hearted half-wit people. Nothing really pleases most of them. It always cracks me up when someone posts a question like "where's a good place for pizza around here?" an the majority of replies are something like "Vinnies on 17th street in Jersey" or something stupid like that. I am sure if they were wanting a pizza in Jersey, they would not be posting on this board.
Of course southerners are different from northerners. But everyone has ways about them that annoy people. Smile and take a deep breath! :lol:
no its not that i dont have a problem with new people and yankees i have a problem with the ones that come here and talk **** thats what ****es me off....
And that shows that you're a "full wit"? You may not be a stupid person, but that was a stupid statement. I grew up in Boston and have lived in various states over the last 10 years. When I lived "up North", I knew many people who moved to Boston from other parts of the country. They all commented on our accents, jargon, crappy weather, traffic, etc. And you know what, they were right about a lot of it. But no one really worried about it. It seems like so many people in this area are so sensitive about someone relocating to their neighborhood. Why this whole South v. North thing anyway? I never considered myself a yankee until someone here told me I was one. I'm assuming it's the way people were raised.
many people like or dislike different things for many different reasons. I am a "former yankee" and have lived here for about 6 years. ( I was recently advised that I shouldn't be considered a yankee anymore because I lived her for so long) I appreciate my previouse home state and appreciate my current home state for anumber of reasons. Life is road and I'm on I-40 everyday right now. BUT i don't appreciate the false accusations that many "southerners" have allowed me to appreciate. - I'm from NY so I'm rich. That's ok if you want to think that, but I still work for a living. - I'm from NY, so I'm rude. - I'm from NY, so I think Southerners are slow. Who said I thought That? - I'm from NY, with dark hair and a fair complextion I must be part of the hispanic race. I'm not but who cares? - I'm from NY, so I must hate it here. I am a good genuin person and try me best to treat all the same way I would like to be treated. with respect, honesty, and integrity. Many have allowed me to beleive that they have already judged me because of where I haved lived before, and the questions or statements they have made to me as listed above. This is rude. Last I checked no one had the right to judge anyone but people do because that's what we do. This is only the second state that I have ever lived in - within 30 years of my entire life. I am from NY, and When A " Southerner asked me when I first moved here asked me "What do I think of the Southern way or Hospitality?" I would like to say It sucks, It's fake, or I haven't experienced yet." I don't because my parents raised me to be respectful to everyone!!! and with I final note Yes I do miss my original home because FOR ME it was all I knew, my family and friends are their. Yes I would like the convieniences I had. Yes I do not understand alot of things here, But I am figuring things out. I moved here for a number of different reasons but I also think it's very rude for anyone to asked when they just met me. But I also think it hypocrytical for garner girl to write what she did in the first place. The reason being is you probably sat next to this women in the nail salon ans smiled. I personal think it would have been nicer to ask - Why do you fell this way? Why do you stay ? That's the difference. Yankees ask and say things because IT IS HONEST!! WE DON'T SEE IT AS BEING RUDE!!! we see it ask inquiring minds want to know. But in my experience southerners, true southerners smile in your face and listen, But inside they boil and start a thread without trying to give anyone a chance and try to obtain a level of understanding. In many ways we hold the same opnion, just in a different way. I hope that makes sense. A rule I try to live by TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN, YOU NEVER KNOW HOW YOU MAY BE ABLE TO HELP SOMEONE.!!! everyone is entitled to feel home sick. instead of complaining about someone, be a friend for the moment or become a friend of a lifetime. but it must come from with yourself and try to help someone maybe that's all a person needs is guidance and understanding. If you read this and have this expereince tomorrow, at least try it with one person. the world would be a better place for everyone if we all tried 1 time.
Well I can tell you that if I hear people complaining about this area, etc. no matter where they are from, I always ask well why are you still here, why don't you move, etc. That'd be just like me moving up North or out West and complaining about the place to the locals. I wouldn't, of course I wouldn't live there either, for no reason.
You know what? It takes an ill hearted half witted person to make such an ignorant statement. You mean to tell me that if you moved to New York you would not wonder. " Hey, How come there are not any grits here?" or " down south we do it this way" This is rediculious. I understand people have their differences but isn't that what makes our counrty so great? And for all of you who are jumping on the bandwagon and Yankee bashing you should ask yourself why the yankees that are posting on this thread are not bashing all the southerners, I guess that is one difference between the north and the south.
Very well put jdk. I like how if you group blacks together it is prejudiced but feel free to group all the Yankees together and insult them. That is free speech. Don't judge someone by where they are from unless you want to be judged for the same reason. I am a very honest person and hate liars. You ask me a question I will tell you the truth, if the truth is not what you want to hear then don't ask me. If I ask you a question I expect the truth also or I won't ask. Some of these responses are just rude and uncalled for. I feel sorry for some of you people. To judge so harshly for such a stupid reason. You could be missing out on knowing some great people. And if someone does something stupid don't always ask where they are from, this is just an excuse to put down a group of people. If you have nothing better to do than insult a group of people, you life must be sad. People can learn from each other, if you have an open mind. Since I have moved down here I have constantly been insulted for being a Yankee, (so much for Southern hospitality). This has been for 12 years now. So explain to me who is the better? In some of your eyes THE WAR IS STILL GOING, I feel for you.
??? I thought the comments were about those who COMPLAIN about being here... not generalizing people.... just those who do not like it here - then move back???
"I don't hate yankees... I have a friend who hates them... His hobby is reading the obituary page of the New York Times, thats a man who don't like yankees!"
I thought the original post was about people complaining about the area from whereever they are from? Wether it be the north, west, or even south, why did it turn into a Yankee thread. OK, here is my question...I moved here in 96 from "OMG...NY". What was your first thought????? NYC???? I grew up on a dairy farm, 4 hours from NYC...the town I lived in was NO WHERE as large this area, my closest neighbor was 1/2 mile up the road. My family moved here from the Netherlands in 1946 so they weren't even in the country when carpetbaggers were over populating the south. My question is, why do people assume I am one of those darn yankees that are moving into their turf that some people on here are complaining about. For what it is worth, I have no complaints about here....... I think no matter where you live you are always complaining about where they are. When I did live back in upstate NY, we had a lot of folks move to the "country" from NYC and we didn't like it either, they all said, this place is boring..nothing to do...well you know what why don't you move back to NYC.... I think people are ALWAYS going to find things to complain about no matter where you are, I don't think we should be bashing people for this only because they are "Yankees"
I've been to Schroon Lake... ya'll don't even have chain gas or fast food stores.... I'd like to live in a place like that if it weren't for all the snow!
I am from a little tiny town also. One IGA, post office and fire house and one little deli/store. It was near New Paltz. Use to look out my window and see the mountains. Ahh growing up in all that wide open space, that is why till this day I hate cities.