at that sentence structure! Pretty lame a regular doesn't have the balls to use their regular screen name to bash people. They have to create a whole new derogatory screen name just to post cuts to defend an exhausted story line. typical. Ok, now I'm off to marry my 1/2 cousin twice removed before sun down because I have to sleep with a goat tonight. :mrgreen:
I love Christ with all my heart but I also love the South, this is where I live and have lived my whole life. And this may not be very Christian but when you put down what all of us stand for then you are asking for a "good ol *** whooping". If you don't like us for what and who we are you can take your snobby "I'm better then you" attitude and go back to your smog filled pit hole up north. What you don't realize is while you snobbed nose mommy and daddy gives me a house in the city were getting things handed to you. My Mom, Dad, Grandparents and me had to work for every little thing you got. Nothing was handed to us and then you freaking rich stuck up peckers came down here and had to screw it all up. Life was much better when all you people were up north with your thumb up your butt living in the city and talking about what kind of car your buying and how the stocks are going. GO AWAY if you don't like us for who we are.. Funny how you'll get on here and talk about us tell us where to meet you and see if you say the same thing. P.s. this is not or all people from the north only the snob nosed pricks like this guy
Not to fuel the fire here, and I see this thing has blown up to 11 pages. But that has been my experience with a few Yankees. And I am not a southerner - I live here but have lived in 8 different states. I'm not sure if they are Yankee traits or just a$$hat traits. One guy tried to tell me he was "just observant". Umm.... I'm observant, too. I'm just not rude. If I see something broken or out of place at your home - I ignore it, not report it to you like you've never seen it before!! Everytime he came in my yard, it was like what can he point out to me now. We had an issue with our dormer, and the flashing on the roof which caused the wood to rot. Do you know one day he said to me "Did you know your house is rotting?" Obnoxious Freak!!!! Of course I know, I live here you IDIOT!!! But like I said, I don't know if it is because he is Yankee, or just insecure and gets off on pointing out negatives to others to build himself up.
I've got a ton of stories, Dev. This guy offer to help?? Hahahahah, he doesn't even help run his own household. I watched his wife stain their decks while he sat inside on his ars and watched TV. And it was HIS family coming to visit!!! Anyway, the dormer is fixed. By a professional, we don't like heights!!
Everytime I see this thread come up to the top, I sing that song in my head... "If you ain't got no money, take your broke broke home...."
Good point Ken. After being in leadership roles where people were/are quick to tell what is wrong or what "we" should change ... I learned through empathy not to offer such opinions unless I am willing to be a part of the solution. It's easy to have an opinion but people often see it as someone else's job or problem.
Ken, I'd like to invite you over to my garage, it's in desperate need of organizational skills and needs someone who will identify a solution, hand stuff up and see the makeover through to it's completion