Thanks!!-- Izzie is our newest rescue-- someone put her in a car of a dog trainer when he left the window down. His car magnets says he specializes in bully breeds and I guess they thought he wouldn't mind one more. So now we have a 16 yr old, a 13 yr old and a 6 month old.
Flea Update. We bathed one cat, not the psycho cat. We gave them both capstar and treated them both with Frontline. Put this powder stuff (not borax) in the carpet, vacuumed. Sprayed everything down with this other flea stuff. We still have fleas, they're driving me nuts. So I guess I have to bomb the house this weekend? Will the cats be ok in the gargage?
They should be fine in the garage. Just put a towel or something at the bottom of the door to keep any fumes from getting into the garage. Be sure to follow the directions on the can for airing out the house afterwards. Last time we did one, it said to open the windows and ventilate for 2 hours, but it really was more like 4 hours at the least.
So I bought the bombs, but didn't use them. I called Dr Debbie's office and they told me that I'd pretty much wasted my money and to come get this Exo-kill stuff. I sprayed it all over the house, and vaccumed, and then vaccumed every day since then, and I am still getting eat slam up! My ankles are terrible. So I guess I'm going to spray that stuff again, and vaccum again. I swear, I'm ready to scream. This is what we get for bringing another animal in the house!!!
I'm afraid to do borax because of the baby. She rolls all over the floor and puts everything in her mouth.
Ok guys honestly, before I have to call an exterminator, does anyone have any other suggestions? Or suggestion for exterminators? I called Clegg's and they want $250 to come out, and that only includes 2 treatments. Terminix is $150
the borox really works, could you wait till she goes to bed and put it down and then vacuum all up before she gets up? It only has to stay down for a few hours.
Vacuum-It's bagless, so we empty it and clean the filter every time. Ok, so where do I get borax? Kdc, the stuff the extermenator puts down is an aerosol, so it evaporates...
Jennifer, the aerosol is just a delivery method, it does not mean that the poison evaporates, the Volatile Organic Compounds will evaporate, but most of the bad stuff sprayed is probably on your carpet.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'd try the borax first. I'm not real hip on any type of bug stuff in the house. DH treats the outside of the house, but I try not to have anything that strong in the house. Might have to change my mind if the spider population doesn't decrease soon. :? Here is what I'd do Jen. Get the kids out of the house, put down the borax, let it do it's thing. Vacuum like crazy, then maybe have your carpet steam cleaned? You could do it yourself with a Rug Doctor to cut down on the cost. Just my .02, that and 50 cents will get you a cup of coffee. 8)
actually i would wait a week before steam cleaning, depending on the severity of the fleas it may take a second treatment - mine didn't but that is because we caught it early. Was it zoo that gave us all that great advice about the borox for the carpets and the garlic & yeast mixture for the animals themselves last year? They were both great ideas.