Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Mar 31, 2007.

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  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Doing fine, thanks, just had a fine Italian meal with a client in Soho.
  2. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Let's not forget that one or two centuries ago, people were marrying and popping out children around 13 or so years of age. It's only different now because we live over twice as long, we have all this technology that indeed plays a huge part in helping people shape childrens' lives, and "generation gaps" have begun to become wider and more extreme.

    Let's also not forget that a few decades ago, a lot of youth in this nation were smoking marijuana, listening to rock, and burning bras in protest. If someone does these things nowadays, we don't really care.

    What we consider acceptable or not has changed immensely over time, and in any argument over why it should or should not remain that way, we should always examine the past and question, "why was it like that before, and why did it change?"

    It is undeniable that at one point in history not very long ago, 13-year-old girls were treated as women, held responsibilities as women, and did everything a full-grown woman was expected to do. What has changed in the past 200 years that suddenly made 13-year-old girls unable to consent to sexual activity or run any aspect of their lives? Have we simply stopped forcing maturity and common sense into our children, in favor of expecting someone else to do it?

    I daresay that the reason so many older teens are getting in sexual trouble with their younger girlfriends is because their parents aren't doing their jobs, bringing them up with a proper sense of right and wrong, fantasy versus reality, etc.

    Our kids are being brought up by Grand Theft Auto and Halo 2.
  3. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    Well Angel, I would tend to agree that charging the parents makes more sense than blaming their kids friends and locking them up for what that girl decided to do while the parents were otherwise somewhere else. But that is not the way it is working today. Plus the girls who are that active at the younger ages usually are neglected by their parents. These are the kids at greatest risk. While they are poorly supervised, they are accustomed to making their own decisions and taking care of themselves. They frequently go after older guys looking for adult attention and affection that is lacking at home. Throwing their partner into jail does not help them at all, that often becomes another nightmare for them. What is needed are social services that they can reach out to to find this kind of attention. But if it is police, punitive, self rightous and judgmental, they don't go near because that is the last thing they need.

    It is sad to me with what is going on that you see adults all over saying, oh, I keep great distance now from teenagers and children because all they have to do is point a finger (like in the Salem witch hunts). Actually, teenagers today are desperate for adult connections. They use to get it, this was a time of apprenticeship. But now, they are housed in high school as if it is a babysitter. They need to be connecting into our world that they are very near joining.
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Glad to see your well.
  5. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    If their parents knew where they were and what they were doing this would'nt happen .
  6. sue100

    sue100 Active Member

    That is really not true. Teenage is about sexuality, and sex. Boyfriends and girlfriends and dating, and before you know it, getting married and having babies and not necessarily in that order. Guys, this is about normal life. This has been true since the beginning of time. Europeans find Americans bizarre in their attitudes about sex, including teenage sex. Funny they do not have as near high rates of pregnancy as we do even though their teenagers do it to.

    What is really crazy is that we criminalize normal human behavior and throw "children" in jail for being normal.
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Well, yes it may happen but if parents were more involved in their lives it wouldn't. I teach my daughter values and respect for herself I had her very young and I feel that I can teach her not to do what mommy did then I'll pray alot.
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Angry I looked at your site earlier and I do not like it you need more color brighten it up its scarey like a cult site. I suggest pink or yellow .
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    This discussion is similar to that of "zero tolerence" in schools for drugs, guns, violence, or whatever. The attempt to make everything either black or white in every case by a preset generalization is going to sound good and like there will be plenty of protection for the children, but in reality that is not the case. Just as your child could be mistreated for a simple product that could be considered a drug so can a "sex offender" only with much more serious and lasting consequences. Many know and understand this while others have a more 'knee jerk defense' view. As more punishments are added retroactively it starts to violate the core premise of our legal system of double jeopardy and punishments not being cruel and unusual.
  10. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    But its way more complicated than that. At the turn of the century a child's sphere of influence was very small. Today we have TV, the internet, public schools, and a transient society undermining a parent's best efforts. We have altered the natural flow of life that has sustained humans for thousands of years. Reliable birth control has had a huge impact on the consequences of sex. Women are now free from domestic duties. They are career oriented, going to college and competing with men in the labor force while the kids are sent to daycare. The home isn't the center of a child's life that it used to be when they were mature adults by age 16. Our society's values have changed for the worse and we are now seeing the negative consequences. I predict it will only get worse until something catastrophic puts us back on our natural course.
  11. sue100

    sue100 Active Member


    At the turn of the century, women and children were working 60+ hours a week in sweat factories. These kids had simple shperes to deal with? No theirs were more complicated than what kids have to deal with now. At much younger ages, they had to face issues of surival. Family life? Not much of that went on either because they worked constant.

    To get back on natural course, go listen to Ron Paul and join his revolution.
  12. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, I thought the site had too much color! I agree, it is dark. It would be easier to read with a lighter background, and I'm not sure the different colors of print really add anything to the message.
  13. TheAngryOffender

    TheAngryOffender Well-Known Member

    Okay, I patched up the colorization on and made the general contrast a lot lower. Someone tell me if it's easier to read or if I still need to tweak it?
  14. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I was thinking something more sunny. It looked so evil with the back ground color. Even a white bacground color and black writing would been better it was scarey like the movie wrong turn I felt like I needed someone to hold my hand while viewing it lol
  15. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    still scares me
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    where are you Angry Offender? what State?
  17. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    He says hes from here.
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I scanned back through yesterday's drama, and didn't catch it. Then scanned that website of his.....Can't decide if I want to get back into such a heated discussion today....yesterday was ROUGH up in here!!!!
  19. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I think I scared him away lol He better be scared lol
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    Come out, come out, wherever you arrrrrrrrrrrreeeee......:lol:
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