I lost both of mine, my mom 8 yrs ago, my dad 1 yrs ago this past May. I have read and re-read all of these and really have nothing to add. Just cherish every minute that you have, make time to spend time w/ them, talk about old times and take pictures for memories. :grouphug:
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I really have nothing more to add, just cherish every moment, laugh as much as you can, take pictures. I lost my dad 9 yrs ago, went home for a few weeks and was told he was taking a turn for the better, so I came back to FL, I was 8 mos pg, and two days after I came home he passed away, my regret is that I didnt stay.
As has been said, cherish the moments and the memories together for as long as he is here. I lost my mom 9 years ago and I still miss her so much. The thing I am most thankful for is that I spent the last 3 weeks with her and then 2 weeks after with Dad. The thing I regret is not taking her seriously at first when she told me how sick she was. She tended to exaggerate her own health conditions and I didn't completely believe her. Some of her last words to me were "You have only ever brought me joy." I will remember and cherish that forever.
I lost my dad. He died when he was 39 unexpectedly. I was only 15 or so. I just wish I could talk to him. Listen. Love. I wish I had more pics of him. I wish I had something that reminded me of him. I will never forget him.
Thank you all. Jennifer, I'll definitely get that book. Thanks for suggesting it. LJK thanks for the laugh. I really needed it. :grouphug: