Thoughts on new WalMart shopping center?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ccampbell, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    I had new hire orientation yesterday and the store manager told us August 19th. He is hoping to open a week earlier if the store is ready.
  2. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I know you are beating yourself up about this and you really shouldn't be. I did not see the picture, but I know that you obviously didn't mean to offend anyone and for the most part I didn't see other than the one post where someone said anything about it. I hope you didn't receive nasty PM's. Anyway, this board has a way of bringing out parts of my personality that very often I do not like. If you take time off it does help and will probably take a lot less longer than you think to start feeling good again. I will miss you so please don't be long. :cheers::grouphug:
  3. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    FWIW, I did see the pic. While it was not exactly work (or home) appropriate, it wasn't that bad. I'm far from being the most liberal-minded on the board, but even I found some humor in the pic and I'm a Christian. It was certainly adult humor, but it was removed and that's what counts.

    We all say and do things in the moment once in awhile that seems okay at the time. When given a little time, we ourselves question our own judgement. I, personally, think no less of crazymom for the photo. We all have something to contribute and it would be ashame for you, crazymom, not to participate. So, jump back in and forget about it. I have and I'm sure that is the sentiment of everyone here.
  4. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

  5. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    well put! friends that i can use my crazy warped dirty sense of humor around are my favorite friends! :)
  6. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Girl please! Whoever is beating you up over it should GET OVER THEMSELVES. I only said something because I know if webbie would have seen what is considered partial nudity the thread would have went bye bye. Like I said I WAS NOT OFFENDED :mrgreen: Spend more time with your babies, but come back and banter with us!!!
  7. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    red headed folks dont offend easily! ;)
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I sent her a PM suggesting she delete the picture because I did not want her to get banned. I specifically said in the PM that was the reason, I hope she didn't think I was on her case about it. But I knew that if somebody reported the post, she could have easily been banned for a few days, and I didn't want that to happen.
  9. cosmicvagabond

    cosmicvagabond Well-Known Member

    Well, imagine reading every post in the thread in hopes of posting your thoughts on Wal-Mart to only see it regress into this kind of stuff. Kinda sad.

    but anywho. Getting back on topic, I'm not sure if any of you are aware of the negative side of Wal-Mart or not, but their is a price to pay for cheap milk and bread. If you consider the negative impacts on a community including killing "mom and pop" type stores, underpaying employees, forced unpaid overtime, working without breaks, union breaking, and all kinds of other unfair employee treatment. Their treatment of the suppliers of the products sold in their stores is very much bully tactics. Wal Mart tells YOU how much they will pay you for your product, not the other way around. They study each potential product and analyze how much you have in manufacturing it and allow a very small percentage over that, if they allow a profit at all.

    On top of that, think about the long term economic costs of the trade deficit. Can we really gripe when so many manufacturing jobs leave this country when we carry all that crap home from Wally World that was made in China?

    Top it off with surly, overworked, and underpaid workers who really don't know anything about what their selling, Just try asking a question about a camera or a tv. Or try getting some personal attention when shopping for ANYTHING else.

    Personally, I have stopped buying ANYTHING at all from Wal-Mart and supporting local merchants as much as possible. I encourage everyone to do the same.
  10. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Well good for you...Oh and now you see how a lot of our threads go... its what makes 40/42 what it is... enjoy it or avoid it... We all have that choice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2009
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Here's a helpful hint for future postings. Starting a post by chastising those you hope will read it does not make them more receptive to your message. You make some valid points, but they would have been more effective without that opening paragraph.
  12. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    What mom and pop business at 4042 will be affected?
  13. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    and that price is pretty much the same at Food Lion or Lowes Foods
    for fun, I'll ask a mom and pop at 4042 that will be affected

  14. jello212

    jello212 Active Member

    Okay, I was driving by today and noticed that if you're coming from Lowes toward Cornwallis, there are 2 left turn lanes turning away from Walmart into the woods. Are they going to build something across the street from Walmart or were there supposed to be 2 lanes turning right into Wally World?
  15. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Some that come to mind is the party shop (Let's Celebrate) probably some of the hair and nail shops and I'm sure there are more. Unfortunatley I can't say that I frequent many of those anyway - so its not like I'll be taking my business 'from' them, but I agree that it will probably have negative affect on some of the local businesses. Probably even some of the shops at White Oak such as Target. Now, I LOVE me some Target, but if its something that I could get at Walmart just as easily and its closer, then I'll probably go to WM.
  16. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    I'm not getting my hair cut at Wal-Mart, I don't get my nails done, and the only thing I have purchased from Let's Celebrate is balloons and will continue to do so. Wal-Mart's selection can't complete with LC and prices are comparable to Party City.
  17. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I don't either - I was just using those as examples of services.
  18. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    I really have been scratching my head to figure out what I will purchase at Wal-Mart that I don't already purchase at either Wal-Mart or Target. For me, and my family, our shopping won't change; it will just save the gas spent driving to Garner and will allow me to spend more of my money in Johnston Co instead of Wake.
  19. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    I won't get my hair cut at walmart either. My friend is in the process of suing the smart style company (aka Regis). She went to get highlights and ended up with 3rd degree chemical burns that put her in the hospital. Those people do not know what they are doing. Needless to say, the manager and the stylist were fired the next day. They put way too many chemicals at one time on her head.
    I won't give that company any more of my money again.
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Holy cow!! I've had some pretty nasty reactions to hair products before (burns from perms) but I am super sensitive to the chemicals and I always, always warn the stylist. That's terrible!

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