Hey guys! We're home!! She was born Thursday morning, they did induce w/ the cervadil the night before but it didn't do anything, so the doc came in at 8:30 am and broke my water, and she was out by 10:30 am! So it was very fast, so fast the doctor didn't make it back in time and the nurse caught her. I went from 5 to 10 cm in about 10 minutes. LOL....the epidural did not work however. Wow is all I have to say about that. I just thank the Lord it went so fast. She is beautiful and perfect and we are all in love. It's amazing what a miracle it is. She weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and was 21 inches long. Thank you all for the good wishes and thoughts. We came home yesterday, since everybody was doing so well. I was ready to get to my own bed/couch anyway. So now it's your turn Jen and Koo, are you ready????? Silly question, I know you are!!! It will be here before you know it!
Great news, CONGRATS!!! It looks like Jennifer's wish pretty much came true for you... ...Next it'll be your turn to make a wish for her delivery. :wink: :lol:
CONGRATS Beezor!!! I am so happy everything went so good for you!! Good going Jen! :lol: Let the record show... Kookoo is already asking for an epidural!
Congrats Beezor! We're all very happy for you and your not-so-tiny one, lol. She had a few extra days to gain a few extra ounces in there, huh? Ok koo, you can have the epi. Let the record show that Jen is praying for a quick and speedy delivery with no need of drugs or C-sections! Bad bad c-section, stay away!!
That is the plan.............as of today.............lol I don't want an epidural, period. I am not opposed to dymerol (sp), but would rather not have any drugs if I can stand it at all.
MY HAT IS OFF TO YOU! :lol: OMG, you are more of a woman than I am!! I will NOT go drug free. Period. :lol: I am allergic to pain. don't wish drug free on me, don't ask me to try drug free, no no no. I am a big wuss. Call me a pansy. Say I ain't a real woman. Whatever I don't care! Give me drugs!!! :lol: You go girl!
When MM was born, she was a feet first breech baby. So I had to have a C-seciton, which meant this big needle in my back. They missed twice. During the entire delivery, I couldn't move anything but my head because they'd given me too much of a local to keep trying to get the big needle in. I am very very scared of another needle in my back. So it's not because I am super woman. It's because I don't want that needle. They can give me meds in my IV, and if it gets bad enough, I'll take 'em. It's just that without drugs, the baby will be more alert after delivery, and it should make it easier to start breastfeeding.
Yea, Beezor! Welcome to the "little" one . Jenn, I'm there with ya about the needles. IF it ever happened for me again, it would definitely be (again) without needles. IV's bearable, but nooooooo needles. Frogger
Well my first epidural didn't catch right and I had to endure some pretty bad labor while waiting to see if it would catch and then for the anthes. to get there for the second one. I dont' care if they have to stick me 10, 50, or 100 times I don't want any pain! Not like that pain I don't! But I will say... the only meds I got was epidural just for that reason of the baby being more alert. That's what the nurse kept telling me when I was begging her to give me something else. She kept saying wait for the epi... They'll be here in a min. you'll be glad you just got an epi... just wait!
Congrats Beezor - so happy for you that it went quick and welcome to the world to the little baby girl. Koo - you are a wuss :lol: :lol: :lol: j/k girl
Same thing happened to me, didn't work at all the first time, then it only worked on one side, the third time was the charm, but by then I was ready to have him and just may as well have not bothered! :shock: