I know Ready! I'm starting to get that with Mini Me already! I love those little pieces of commentary on the ticklers, they make them so much more fun! LOL
She's doing great! Two weeks old today. She's sleeping pretty good for us at night, we get about 3 1/2 to 4 hours at a time, which is about as good as you can hope for at this stage. I love Mylicon drops..they are my new best friend...LOL How are you guys doing?
Just thought I'd let y'all know that I saw Kookoo on Saturday night, who by the way is just as cute as a dang button! She went into early labor and was put on bed rest, so that's why we haven't heard from her. They've stopped labor and she's doing better, but she has to keep her legs crossed till at least this weekend per the doctors. So y'all say a little prayer for Koo and baby koo....
Prayers for KooKoo. Hope she is well. I could lend her a laptop. Tell her Bendover is thinking about her (even though I am not liked) This is just a website, I wouldn't want any harm for anyone. How early is she?
I had preterm labor (35 weeks) with my 2nd son. They stopped my labor so well that I went two weeks overdue! :? Best wishes Koo!