neuter... period -in todays time it shouldn't even be an option. too many babies already need homes. please....
Carolina Crossing Vet Clinic on hway 210 between Raleigh Rd and the McDonalds will be open hopefully next week...they have very competitive prices and take vouchers from the SPCA....:lol:
have 3 male dogs all neutered non changed, in fact they behaved better the humping each other GONE, the trying to take off GONE, the peeing on every single thing they pass by GONE, and like someone said earlier by the end of day you never known they had surgery had a hard time keeping mine calm! check out POPS they have a low cost spay neuter that includes shots. if you wait to long your housdog might start marking the couch the table, chairs, bookcases, the corner of the wall ...........once hormones kick in watch out leg humping isn't fun either. LOL Good luck convincing hubby!