Ya'll are right.........to each their own. I guess I just don't see what is "cute' or "funny" about smashing cake into the person's face. But as long as I'm not paying for the wedding or the dry cleaning it doesn't much matter what I think. 8)
We tried to not make such a big deal out of our wedding day. It was more of a "celebration" than anything. It was our big day and we wanted to enjoy it, not feel like we were working all day or doing what others wanted us to do, so that's what we did! We did not go to every single table, we didn't have big, grand toasts, we just had fun (at the reception). The wedding was very simple, outside in a gazebo and lasted maybe 15 minutes. Our friends blew bubbles while we went down the aisle, we were sticking our head out of the limo while it went down the road, hooting and hollering and just having fun. And we danced, and danced, and danced some more! And I completely covered my hubby's face with cake, but he didn't get me too bad, I was too quick for him! :jester: And you know what, we loved every single second of our big day, with absolutely no regrets. We didn't have much money and had to pay for it ourselves, so we were having it our way, and it was great fun! (We still to this day know how to throw a party! There are some on here that can back me up on that...) :jester:
Dh and I discussed it before and both agreed it wasn't gonna happen. We had a beautiful, traditional wedding....why ruin it with that? Just my opinion!
I'm really enjoying this thread. I would have never guessed so many people would be against this "tradition". Interesting...
Well, I can only speak for myself obviously......but my Mom made my dress and I would have seriously been ticked had it gotten ruined by cake. We paid for everything ourselves too, and had a lot of fun but there is a time and place for everything. Call me a stick-in-the mud, but that's just me.
I voted 'no'. To each their own for sure. and jsut for the record....I am one of 'funnest' people I know (insert laughter) and I would be p iss ed bigtime if mine smashed cake on me. period. He never would though.
My vote was no. But then again, we flew to Vegas - no cake. :mrgreen: I don't care what other people do, if they want cake up their nose or all over their face, so be it. now I want some cake. :lol:
I guess for me, it appears to be a direct rejection of the basic respect one has for his or her mate, not to mention a rejection of the vows the couple just made to respect and honor their partner. I'm fairly sure that if there was a poll as to whether or not there was a large piece of unhewn wood inserted rectally, quite a few on here would choose the affirmative, and that's OK, as I have the respect I desire from those who count. I have so much respect for C6. In my mind, anything that diminshes her, diminishes me. Were I be the one that causes it, I'd have to reorient. I believe there are plenty of opporutnities for fun. Fun that could embarrass my mate, just isn't funny.
I think it is all in fun, if you cant have silly fun with the one you just vowed to spend the rest of your life with who can you have fun with??
Ok, so that is the part I don't get..............what is "fun" about smashing cake in someone's face? My husband and I have lots of "fun" together, always have.........but food fights aren't usually on the list of things to do? It's a serious question. I really don't get it. :?:
I see it as being right up there with putting all of that crap on the paint of the bride and groom's car. It seems fun, but when they have to spring for a new paint job or live with "Just Married" and the other stuff faded into their paint job it seems more than just a little wrong, IMO.
I guess everyone's different. I for the life of me can't figure out what's fun about getting drunk, waking up the next day with a hangover and feeling like crap...but a lot of people do it! And some do it quite a lot!
My mom made her own dress and the tradition that got her wasn't the cake daddy smashed in her face it was the red lip stick and shaving cream smeared all over daddy's car. She got bright red lipstick all over her dress. She was ****ed! But my dad had a clean getaway car stashed in the back of the church that they drove off in once the "photo-opt" was over. Mama still b!tches about that almost 35 years later! :lol: I don't think you're a stick in the mud.