She is going to be just fine. Long as she is drinking and 'swallowing'. try not to worry too much Mom. You can (and probably should) try and get both of you out of the house, even if just for a walk around the block or a trip to mcdonalds for french fries and a milkshake. Getting out and about and in the warm sunshine makes everything all better.
Well they said NOT to leave the house for two weeks, I was like well maybe the first week lol, I'm going back to work next week, if she has to she will stay at my mom and dads for the week. They said to keep her low key and not to do to much. I was like ok.. She was outside with me last night sitting on the front porch with me. My parents came over last night for a little bit and had her laughing and stuff. My mom is coming back over this afternoon to bring her something from Dairy Queen lol. They said the main reason for keeping her home the 2 weeks is to make sure she doesn't catch nothing from someone while she is trying to heal.
yes, they say to keep her out of public, but you guys can ride with the windows down and hit the drive thru.....jsut for YOUR sanity if nothing else. :mrgreen: Dairy Queen is good too.
That is true, I will see how she is later and if she want to go out, we got new movies coming in today from Netflix that she has been waiting on. Sheri
sportsmed I don't know about three times ,,but they will come back,,and before you jump me why don't you call a ENT Dr.:mrgreen:
No they don't, some of the tissue can be left behind and get infected in the future and swell, but some may think they do grow back, but that isn't truly so. This also normally is only for young children that this can happen to. The adenoids grow between the ages of 3 and 5, then they tend to slow down some..once the kid reaches 10 and up they tend to shrink anyways. oh and I did call . The chances of this happening is very very rare. Most docs will end up leaving some behind during the surgery. I have no worries about having future problems with my daughter..and I have never heard from anyone about having them "come" back. Sheri
Can adenoids grow back? "Adenoids can grow back. When you had your first operation a tiny bit of adenoid tissue might have been left behind. This tissue can regrow. Your adenoids might have grown back and are now causing problems again. Great Ormond Street Hospital: 30 May 2007 Damn stupid Drs. what do they know,4042 posters say that doesn't happen
You must have not seen that I did call my daughters doctor and I don't need to paste something from the net to tell me differant..I'm please with what I was told. Again, they can leave some behind and it can RE-SWELL up..big differance in growing back.
Been through it with both my kids. Just know that whatever your child's personality is, it will be greatly amplified after surgery. My daughter, although a girlie girl, was tougher than my son after surgery. He's rough and tumble, but he really went through a bad time. A friend advised me to not stop the codine pain meds, and to keep administering them so that he doesn't miss a dose. What I didn't realize is how badly codine can be on the 'system'. The codine really gave him some horrible constipation. Best of luck.
Thanks so much for asking, she is doing a lot better..up more then yesterday. In the kitchen getting her own drinks, even though she waste a lot, she is getting up more. I'm very proud of her. Sheri
She is not a girly girl by no means, she can whine if she doesn't feel good..but she has been really good about all this. Prior to the surgery I told her what could happen and what she had to do to make sure it doesn't happen. I never lied to her..where my mom would tell her that I didn't know what I was talking about that it wouldn't be that bad. I was hold on a minute here, she needed to know that there may be a lot of pain and there may not. I don't hide things from her. Today she is feeling better and she is fighting me on the meds today, so I know that means she is feeling better lol, she hates taking anything. Sheri
LOL....I told ya! That's too funny!! maybe by the weekend you guys can go out for that Milkshake and french fry combo (the cure-all, end-all IMO) I mentioned earlier!!
She really wanted it last night, but I knew better, so I promised her if she felt good today that this afternoon I would go and get her some chicken lol. She slept 10 hours again, but wakes up hurting and I think that is more so that her throat is dry, but she is fine right now and trying to eat a banana lol... Sheri
Well I knew last night that we were heading in the right direction when she hugged the TV, and then she wanted to take a shower and that she needed badly lol..and brushed her teeth, something else that she needed lol...but she is doing good. Thanks! Sheri
She is about the same, drinking more..but no eating still..makes 5 days now. Don't think I can wait much longer on that part. No more nose drainage, but her ears hurt every morning. Went over to mom and dads last night for a little bit to get out of the house and she didn't do anything over there, and just sat there. But, when we got home you would have thought she ran around the house several times. I felt bad, she just went to sleep early last night and now she has been sleeping since 2:30pm this afternoon. I just don't get it..oh and no pain meds, she is not drugged up now. Sheri