I LOVE Dr. Emrich! After having SO many bad experiences with a dentist in Garner (who by the way, lost his license but is now back in full practice) I was terrified. Dr. Emrich has worked with me, understands and accepts (while laughing with me) my fears and concerns. After going in for the last 2 years about once a month, work is finally almost done, and anytime there has been pain, he's made sure I had meds to help. Very caring dr's there...I would highly recommend Dr. Emrich though. He's done (I think) about 9 or so of my root canals and crowns...and helped when it came time to get the nc dental board to do something about the other dentist. K
I don't know that he has a website, but he's with Calamos and Marsh...make sure to tell him kristi sent ya! He should know who I am by now! I see him again Monday, I'll ask him then about the website...Calamos and Marsh # is 919-553-5652 ( is it sad that i know that one by heart, but have to look up my sons daycare #???) K
Thanks for the pm's. That's my husband's dentist! We've never had any problems with him but it's good to know these facts. I'll think twice about going there again. I go to BC Raynor and he's so old I know why they call him "BC" :lol: .
Dr. Folden Lee Folden gave me a complicated root canal last week. He is hands-down the best dentist in eastern NC ......................we are lucky to have him. I have sent many people to Folden and have yet to have 1 person tell me they regretted it. He does NO advertising........none. He does not have to because if you go to him you will tell others. How many dentist do you know that do not advertise? SAL
SAL, Was your root canal done on a back molar? My dentist wants me to go to an endodontist (yes, I know I've asked for help before...) but if I can have a dentist do it I would rather since all my dealings with endos have been less then happy. Thanks in advance for your help.
Due to some medical difficulties in my youth, the strength of my teeth were compromised and I have had too many root canals & crowns to count.:? I go to Dr. Right with Lane and associates. He travels from office to office but he is at the Fuquay office every Friday. I think he is an outstanding dentist. He takes care of DH and all 4 of my kids too, even the 6yo. P.S. Take it from one who really knows (many times over)...if you have a tooth that is hurting with cold AND heat and it is persistantly aching...DO NOT PUT OFF seeing a dentist. The tooth is getting ready to absess and I'd rather give birth (and I've done that 4 times now) than feel the pain of a bad absess. It can make your whole face swell up. It is dangerous to have infection that close to your brain too.