quotes from Lethal weapon Martin Riggs: You know you’re not the first guy to thinnk of this you know. A lot people have got problems especially during the silly season like now. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: You know ****. Martin Riggs: No, you’re wrong, pal, you’re wrong. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: You don't know nothing. Don't touch me! Martin Riggs: Take it easy. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: Look, I didn't don any thing wrong. Martin Riggs: I know that. It's not like your murdering anyone or anything. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: That's right. Martin Riggs: That's right. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: The only one I hurt was me. Me! Martin Riggs: Same way I feel. I know you’re hurting. I get it. OK now, come on. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: Don't come near me! Martin Riggs: Come on. Give me a break, will ya guy. My boss is down there and he's watching us and I gotta make it look like I'm at least trying to save you. Come on. Im just gonna stand here and talk to you. That's all. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: You won't try nothing. Martin Riggs: No. I'm square with you. I won't try a thing. I won't try a thing. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: Really. Martin Riggs: What, do you think I want to fall off? I promise, I'll just talk to you. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: [easing] OK. Alright. Martin Riggs: [showing him a cigarette] Here, do you want a cigarette. Come on, lets smoke, OK. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: Yeah. Martin Riggs: Go on, take it yeah. If we take our time we will both die of cancer. [lights his own cigarette] Martin Riggs: Here. [shows him the lighter but tricks him and cuffs the two of them together] McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: Hey, what are you doing. Martin Riggs: See this key? Bye-bye. McCleary, Attempted Suicide Jumper: You’re crazy! Martin Riggs: Now you can jump if you want to, but you'll be taking me with you and that makes you a muderer.
Barrener River Short...I had forgotten about that scene. What a great and funny movie. Thanks for sharing. All...I have yet to see this on the news this morning. Anyone else know what happened? The teen woke up early today to watch the local news to see if the woman is okay as did I. Nothing yet. Thanks and I hope all worked out for the best, Sherry
Thank you. Glad to know they were successful in getting her down. It would have just broken my heart and I am sure many others had it gone another way. Relieved, Sherry
I brought that up yesterday, just seemed odd we had two of these in a short span, thought there might be a connection.
Jen, I think the one you Posted was that 19 year old, but not sure. They could be related or it could be one of those picking up on the idea of someone else. So sad, Sherry