SJ sad time... I work at SJ and was also behind the red truck last week that hit the mustang. It has really rocked our school and community. I’m also the Mom of 3 teenage boys. What happened to Jesse and Jordan was sad and a mistake that any of our children could make. I know I have taught mine the seriousness of being behind the wheel and to not only watch how they drive but everyone else around them. All we can do is pray that when they are turned loose on their own that they drive safe. It has really changed the way I drive. Please continue to pray for the families and our SJ school as this death has forever change a lot of peoples lives.
kids driving Drivers education doesn't last for our kids to learn to drive. We as parents must teach our kids to drive. But some parents need to learn how to drive first. -right turn on red MUST yeild to traffic. it's not a right to just pull out in front of people. -STOP signs mean STOP not slow down. -when merging onto highway do not cross the solid lines just to beat someone onto hte highway. -slower traffic keep right . you shouldn't have to pull over to right if your'e doing the speed limit speed limits are just that . it is not your right to go 75,80, or 80+ DON"T pass on the right.