Undecided On Dog Breeds

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CakePrincess, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Oh my goodness, check out Scrappy! He looks like my kind of dog!! :)


    UPDATE: 2/8/08 Scrappy has just undergone treatment for heartworm disease and his adoption will be on hold until he is finished with treatment in 4 weeks. Scrappy is a sweet, laid back little guy (20 lbs) who is somewhat an independent explorer. He loves to be outside in the yard for play time and to just lay in the sun. He gets along well with other dogs and should probably go to a home that has another playmate or be adopted with Noodles. He is very mild mannered and well behaved. He is now neutered and is working on his housetraining (marking only). His adoption fee is just to help cover those expenses and is $125.00. Please call or email foster mom Christine at 919-521-8538 - raccemup@yahoo.com. http://www.purehomeandbody.com/adopt.htm
  2. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I love my doggies. Boxer and English Bulldog.

    The Boxer, well let's just say she is very, very protective. If someone came into the home that shouldn't be here, she'd defend to her death. She's awesome with the kids, loves those girls so much. She hates other animals, except the bully. She is a people person and has to be around someone all the time. Doesn't like being outside and would rather follow you around the house all day.[​IMG]

    The Bully, truly the best dog I've ever owned. He's a sweetheart, and loves his Mom so much. He loves us all, but is extra protective with me and the girls. When my oldest daughter was 3 we got him and one time we were in the back yard (old house) and I hadn't noticed she had wandered off in the woods, here he comes pulling her by her sleeve back to me. Now someone could break in the house and he'd be laying upside down sleeping/snoring and they could kill us all..but...LOL.

    Whatever dog you get please research the breeds. I researched by bully for 2-3 years before getting him (btw my dh got him for me as a surprise valentines present 10 years ago-still the best present I've ever recieved) and I researched the boxer for 1-2 years before getting her.

    I just hate it when people get animals and they don't do their research and then don't take care of them. My theory on animals, don't get them unless you intend to take care of them in the same way you would your children. If they get sick and need a lot of money spent on them, then spend it. If you can't afford to, then you don't need any animals to start with.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2008
  3. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I just called the Bladen co. shelter to try and get some background on my dogs and the animal control officer said that a lady had brought in some schnauzer(sp?) mixes, beautiful dogs he said. I think there were 4 and 2 have already been placed.
  4. jello212

    jello212 Active Member

    You won't be disappointed with a Corgie. Great temperment and love to play and go on walks. Their legs are pretty short so the walk shouldn't be more than a mile, though. The only downside is that they shed - a lot. But we love ours and my wife wants another.
  5. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    In addition to this they are very hard to potty train and they are chewers too. I have had pure bred dogs since I was a child and adopted a mixed breed dog in 2000. He is the best dog on the planet. I agree that adoption is the way to go, especially an older dog. Stay away from the terrier breeds/mixes. They are head strong and live wires and most need some kind of grooming. You can find small lab mix and golden retriever mixes. I know female dogs are much easier to train. What ever you do please have them spayed/neutered if they aren't already.
  6. bissielizzie

    bissielizzie Well-Known Member

    Wow this is dejavu. A friend of mine and her sister had a pair of Chow Chow puppies that were raised together and my friends Chow (black) killed their cat that it had been raised with and her sister's Chow (orange) attacked her female roommate who the dog had known since it was a puppy. It's like something snaps in their heads as they mature. Very sad.
    P.S. New foundlands and Labs can also have blue tongues. So a mixed breed dog can have a blue tongue and not have any Chow Chow in them.
  7. Aj

    Aj Guest

    I have to give a vote for a mini schnauzer. We have a black one-Jack- and he is wonderful! He's smart and was easy to crate/potty train. :) They're great family dogs. He loves going out and about with us. Oh, and they don't shed! :)

    P.S. I was attacked by a friends chow when I was younger. I had known this girl and her dog for a while. We were playing in her room and the dog was laying next to me. I was petting him when all of a sudden he snapped-turned around and bit me in the face! Very scary!
  8. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Peaches!
  9. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    Awwww, he's so cute! Home inspection is what I'm worry about - we just bought our new house and currently, there's no fences in our backyard yet. We are planning to get it installed this May. As for vet preference, would it be good enough if its from out of state?
  10. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    It is never as bad as it sounds, they just like to scare the riff raff away. Explain everything to them and they will be fine. Out of state vet is fine too!!
  11. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    I've heard this same story many many times, and have witnessed the attacks too many times to count.

    Is yours full blooded Harley? If it is, I'd say you have a rare exception to the rule. Peaches said hers were mixed and I say she's probably lucky to have avoided the bad traits by having a good mix.

    Compared with controls, biting dogs were more likely to be German Shepherd ...or Chow Chow

    CONCLUSIONS. Pediatricians should advise parents that failure to neuter a dog and selection of male dogs and certain breeds such as German Shepherd and Chow Chow may increase the risk of their dog biting a nonhousehold member, who often may be a child.

    Here's the actual study:

    While Chows may be more prone to bite, Pit Bulls have the highest risk of killing.
  12. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Those are some really sad Chow Chow stories. One of mine is mixed with Australian Shepherd (as is Harley's). The other is a mystery. Guess we did get the good genes. Also, they are all females.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    My mother had a chow for a while, that dog was always spooky. One day she snapped and bit my son in the face. He was about 3/4 YO and was looking over the back of the couch at her and her puppies. She made this weird growl and lunged at him - bit him right on the cheek. I got out of there and did not visit again until the dog was gone.
  14. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    I HIGHLY Recommend a Shetland Sheepdog or (AKA Sheltie or Miniature Collie). I had one growing up and now have one with my children. These dogs are fairly small and EXCELLENT with children.

    My sheltie, lets the girls crawl all over him, use him as a step stool, dress him up, etc... This dog breed is very family oriented and know to be good with children. Mine has always been an indoor dog, but they can be indoor or outdoor, totally up to you!

    Here's a picture of my baby, although he's bigger than most shelties are. Typically, they are about the same size as a beagle.

    I would not recommend a Jack Russell, typically smaller dogs are not as good around children, especially this breed.


  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Shelby's part chow (her dad was a HUGE black full blooded chow) and yard dog (mom was just a medium sized brown yard dog - a mut)

    She's so awesome.

    Some friends had full blooded Chow's at the condo in Raleigh where I used to live - they were protective and very good dogs.
  16. cristianna

    cristianna Well-Known Member

    Sorry my pictures are sooooo BIG. It's the first time I've posted pictures! By the way cakeprincess, do you make cakes? I'm trying to find someone to make a cake for my daughter's 4th birthday.
  17. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I really love Shelties too.

    Sorry, HG, I thought your Shelby was the same mix as my Grizzy. They look like sisters, 'cept for the tail. Griz doesn't have one!
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    They do look alike. Shelby's tail doesn't *curl*. Only wags :lol:
  19. raccemup

    raccemup Well-Known Member

    I am Noodles' foster mom! :) Although a fence is nice, it's not a requirment to adopt a dog. There are plenty of other ways in which you could still exercise your dog. You could take him on walks and to the dog park! You would just have to be extra careful with a beagle and make sure he is never,never off his leash. He will follow his nose anywhere and not be able to find his way back. Beagles are notorious for getting lost this way. The home check is not to judge you to the highest standards, but just to see what general conditions the dog would live in and most importantly, if there are other pets how they are cared for. He really is so woderful and I would love to have you fill out an application if you are interested in him. He will make a wonderful pet and my intentions are just to see him go to someone who will care for him and give him all the love he deserves.

    Thanks for reading!


    PS As long as your ver reference is good, it doesn't matter what state they are in. :)
  20. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Christine, do you know what day Noodles was rescued from HC? I think I may have seen him at the shelter when I adopted Cinnamon (below.) I got her on 1/29 and there was a beagle there that day, but the old girl got my heart. If he is the one I saw, I'm so glad he is with you!!

    [​IMG] [​IMG][/quote]

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