Well you did notice that the thing at the Clubhouse is for singles too, beats sitting at home alone feeling sorry that you are alone, right?
I don't need a special day to tell my family I love them, I tell them everyday, BUT of course I get the kids all a little something and expect somthing AWESOME. LOL J/K
It's such a great day for lovers that they created another day as well called Sweetest Day. As quoted from wikipedia "Sweetest Day now largely involves giving small presents such as greeting cards, candy, and flowers to loved ones. While it is not as large or widely observed as Valentine's Day, it is still celebrated in parts of the United States, despite persistent allegations of being a "Hallmark holiday." [12] In 2006, Hallmark marketed 151 greeting card designs for Sweetest Day. American Greetings marketed 178.[13]" :mrgreen: Craig
I remember Sweetest Day from when I lived in Ohio. It seems more people up there made a big deal about it. I don't think I've ever heard anyone in NC talk about it before. Snuff
Just started my current job 10 years ago and primarily worked in the Midwest, while the wife lived here. One morning I was at a client and they asked me what I did for my wife that day being on the road. I told them I did not know what they were talking about. Well I ended up buying some expensive flowers through FTD. That evening I had one of the chilliest phone calls I have ever experienced, turns out the wife never heard of Sweetest Day either, She thought my guilty conscience got better of me for cheating on her.
Since you're citing Wikipoedia, you forgot to post the first sentence: Cant control the Yankees, you know. But, for those of you who think Valentine's Day was invented by Hallmark, it's completely not true. The first recorded Valentine was from 1415 (long before, not only Hallmark, but the discovery of the New World!). Valentine's Day in the US was first celebrated by cards in 1847, sixty years before Hallmark was founded.
I hear Couples get in FREE all night on V-Day at Thee Doll House. Tell your wife you'll be taking her to TDH for V-Day and see what transpires. Be sure to post a link to the funeral home guest book so everyone can offer their condolences.
Didn't forget the first sentance. But it does state primarily not solely and I wouldn't exactly call the great lakes region yankees. Still if this is the one day a year that you get to spend totally alone with your loved one or that this is the only day that you can show your love, then you obviously aren't with the right person. Craig
Well they do have the best lunch buffet in Raleigh for many years running, according to Spectator magazine. And I have heard that the resturant is one of the best in Raleigh.....and it's gotta be hard to beat (no pun intended) the .99 cent prime rib special for lunch M-F. Craig
Absolutely NOT! Anyone who has ever had to suffer through a northeasterner and an midweaterner arguing over whether they are drinking "soda" or "pop" ad nauseum knows that those are totally different animals! I guess that would be like saying that someone from Arizona is a southerner. Snuff
Hubby and I get each other a "thought" and always gets the 4-legged babies and our moms something small!
A thought? Is that when one of the 'borgs' from the board probes someone's mind and gives you one of their thoughts?:lol:
My hubby was going to take me out to eat Wed night, but I have been really sick with a virus, that dinner will not happen. But we might put it off until this weekend. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone
Yeah, I think it comes from eating too much shredded wheat as a kid. You grow up drinking "pap out of battles" and driving around in "cares." OK, so I missed a typo there. Should have been midwesterner. Still, totally different animal from a Yankee. Snuff