So, are there any daytime VBS around here? It doesn't matter. I'll still take my kids to the ones in the evening. At the church we used to be members of, I taught 3rd and 4th graders during VBS. It was a lot of work, but so rewarding. I want to do it again one day. I think I'll definitely check out Turner Memorial's VBS. Last year my kids went to a little church called St. Mary's OFWB (off Hwy 210). They loved it. It's a tiny church but very nice people! I think VBS was in late July or August though. Sometimes VBS is where kids really learn and understand salvation. I think it's a great way to open the doors to kids all over the community.
Oakland Presbyterian's VBS this year will be in the evening. July 13 through July 17 6-8 p.m. The theme this year is Crocodile Dock. Children ages 4 through 6th grade may attend the week-long event. Registration opens for OPC children on May 31. Registration for children in the community opens June 14. Registration deadline is July 1. Each evening there will be Bible stories, crafts, games, music, and lots of fun.
My kids went to Hocutt Memorial Baptist last year. Welcome to Hocutt Memorial Baptist Church Join us for this year's Vacation Bible School! Registration will run from May 1st - June 12th. DATES: June 15 - 19 2009 Monday - Friday - 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM LOCATION: Hocutt Memorial Baptist Church 314 W. Horne Street (VBS held in the Multi-Purpose Facility) Clayton, North Carolina 27520 INFORMATION: All Aboard! All Aboard! We're travelin' to the amazing Land Down Under on the: Boomerang Express: It All Comes Back to Jesus! Reserve your seat ASAP - Space is limited!! VBS is for 3 year olds thru graduated 5th graders!
I think the Smithfield Methodist Church on Market Street (Cenetery UMC) will be having DAY TIME VBS... but I am not sure... I too loved DAYTIME (1/2 day) VBS... DS has been the last 3 years - good stuff.