Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by crazymom2girls, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    It's not just the VBS issue, it's the sum of all your posts to date that makes you seem like a teenage boy. With a very negative attitude. And that is not a compliment, so no need to be flattered.
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    That's it pull out the switch and teach em a lesson in respect..... 8)8)
  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    We need to send him/her out to pick out their own switch. I'd even sacrifice one off one of my peach trees.
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    :cheers: Couldn't see that happen these days... :x:x

    It worked well back in the day, don't see why it can't now.... :lol::lol:
  5. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I think the main thing here, cookieforme, is that you signed up and have mostly responded to threads with negativity and a "better than you" sort of attitude. If you hate the area and our way of life, why go to the trouble to signing on to express it and then, in return, get ridiculed for it?

    I suppose you signed up simply to take out your frustrations on easy southern illiterates, right?
  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

    school her... she may really only need a hot boyfriend....
  7. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Like Stella? :mrgreen:
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    exactly... Long live Stella... :grouphug::lol::lol:
  10. seabee

    seabee Guest

  11. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I saw a plaque the other day that I was going to get for my house. It said "Lord keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth". :mrgreen:
  12. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Seriously, I usually give newbies a lot of room to get used to the place and usually defend them if I see them getting ganged up on (see JW thread :mrgreen:). However, in your case, if you plan to stick around on these boards with that attitude there ain't nothing I can do or say to help because there is nothing to defend. You'll deserve whatchya get. Sorry. And if you hate this place/area so much did you just sign up for the local message board to only talk crap? I'd suggest finding another outlet for your rantings.
  13. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: :boxing:
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I feel sorry for the dog.
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

  16. seabee

    seabee Guest

    damn your butt must be tired at the end of the day,,, You sure do a lot of talking out of it...

    the best side of you is when your sleeping...
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    if you were standing in front of me, I'd kiss you right on da mouth!


    I sure hope that dog is pure bred too, not some low life mutt.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Really.. I can't even count how many people from this board I consider "real life" friends. We go out to dinner, bump into each other in the local stores, have house parties (Pampered Chef, etc...), and there isn't anything any of us wouldn't do to help each other out in a time of need.

    Why don't you try this board...


    I know there are some disgruntled snobby yankees there.

    I told you in another thread, I moved here from just outside of Boston. I grew up in the wealthiest community in Massachusetts, I went to school with a bunch of snobs like you. 90% of my clothes came from Sears, thats all my mom could afford, the rest were hand me downs from family friends. I got a great education, and made great friends and it had nothing to do with my clothes. All the snobs were wearing Guess jeans and LaCoste shirts (with their collars starched up). Some became successful, most not. Only one that I know of has afforded to live in the town we grew up in. All their mall clothes and hoighty-toighty raised noses make them no better than me today. Most of us are all married and shop at Walmart & outlet stores just the same. Anyone who feels the need to pay twice the price at the mall stores is just plain ol' stupid or trying to fill an insecure void in their life. It doesn't make you any better, infact it makes you pretty shallow to judge anyone because of where they live or what they wear.

    <stepping off the soap box>
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2009
  19. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    applause applause applause :iagree::hurray::hurray::hurray::grouphug:
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    rock on fake friend from online. :hurray::hurray::p

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