Can you describe how everything is setup concerning your printer - that will help to determine what is causing the issue. Is the printer physically attached to either of the computers trying to print to it? Is is a network connected printer? What version of Windows is being used on the computers? Please describe the setup in as much detail as possible and we should be about figure this out. Thanks!
.................. Verifying data ................ Parsing Human Woman Interface ................................................................................................................................................ Just Kidding:jester: I need to understand this correctly first. The O/S is Windows XP ..... Is the Printer USB plugged to your laptop ....or.... a desktop and your using it through wireless? The model and make on the printer would help. If in the process where your DH & the PC Guy experimented to get his laptop printing ... and had added multiple virtual ports trying to make it work ... all the added virtual ports are vying for the physical and may be slowing the print process. In turn, your PC "is" printing ... it's just taking 3 years to happen!!:lol: Delete any unused virtual ports on the machine that the printer is plugged into: Click Start, Control Panel, Printers, Right click the printer, then Properties, then the Ports tab. Delete any USB virtual ports that are unchecked by one left click and then Delete Port at the bottom. The problem may also be the USB driver. Go to the Device Manager, (Right click My Computer, then Properties then Hardware, then Device Manager) Look for like items highlighted in the pic below. (Your printer number will be different) Right click and uninstall. Unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. It should auto load the driver back or follow any prompts you get.
Yes,the printer usb is plugged into my laptop. about this: The problem may also be the USB driver. Go to the Device Manager, (Right click My Computer, then Properties then Hardware, then Device Manager) Look for like items highlighted in the pic below. (Your printer number will be different) Right click and uninstall. Unplug the USB cable and plug it back in. It should auto load the driver back or follow any prompts you get would that be the same thing as uninstalling and reinstalling the printer driver?
it is a hp psc 2200 model . There seem to be several different ports besides the one virtual one,there are also LPT 1 (Printer port) LPT 2 (printer port) LPT 3 (printer port) COM 1 (serial port) COM 2 (serial port) etc.