Gotta give some credit to Allstar again! I forgot to take the can down the other day and realized it when I heard them coming! I took off out the door, running down the drive with the can. The nice guy met me halfway down my LONG drive! Thanks!
Well I canceled my service with Waste Management last Wednesday. They said it would take three business days to pick up the can but I needed to leave it at the curb. So I rolled my can out on Thursday morning. I know that Friday was a holiday and then the weekend so I put the can back and rolled it out again this past Monday. So Thursday was one business day, Monday was two business day's, and Tuesday was three business days. However, today is Friday and my can is still sitting on the curb. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that now make this the 6th business day? I thought I would give Brocks a try. So we will see, but thanks for all the help!
They can all kiss my behind until someone is willing to come down my drive way. I'd even pay a year in advance.
Agree that Brocks is great! And in our subdivision it is against the covenant to leave it out more than one day.... so I would be annoyed that Waste Management was being so slack in picking up the can too, when it looks like you do not care, but in reality you do!
I have a very nice man getting the garbage but it is costing me 4 times what a carting company would cost. Doesn't anyone with a pick up and a sticker want to make a few bucks?
Yes, per the sticker agreement I only take waste from my residence. Unless you were talking about the restroom, then there is that other paperwork.
Ohh. See I did not know what the agreement said. Too bad you don't live next door to me, then I could just throw it in your yard and it would techinically be from your residence. lol