Weight Watchers

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by elims, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member


    I overslept!
    I missed the meeting this morning.
    I will be at the next one on Saturday, you can bet on that.
    How did it go ladies?
    Anyone else oversleep?:lol:

    I am so miffed.
    I was really looking forward to going this morning.
  2. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Me too!!! I just now got out of the shower ... I'm going to go to the Monday night one as my 'free' one and then sign up on Saturday, I think .. since I know I want to do it.
  3. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I went. I had no clue who anyone was since it was my first time. :lol:
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Well I'm glad I was not the only one who overslept:lol:

    Wed2x, how was it?
    I am really interested in it.
    I want to go to my free meeting and most likely sign up at the same time.
    Do you think it is worth it?:allears: do tell
  5. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    Well I am lifetime, so yes its worth it. I hit my goal almost 4 years ago, then got pregnant with my last. I had to stop during the pregnancy, but resumed after she was born. I hit my goal again about 4 months later.
    I have maintained my weight since (my daughter is 2-1/2).
    I went back since I feel like I need the accountability. I have been shoving whatever I want in my mouth and I just don't feel "good". I also would not mind losing another 10.
  6. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest


    I went, although I couldn't stay for the whole meeting. I've struggled with not knowing people too! Everyone is really friendly thought. I'm down another 2.8lbs this week. :)
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the negative weightage, Buena!! Wooooo!!! *applaud*
  8. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest

    Thanks elims! It was much needed, as I've had 2 weeks of low loss or a slight gain and I was getting discouraged:lol:
  9. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I get discouraged easily with those sort of plateaus ... so it's great that you fought thru it!! :)
  10. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    What actually happens at the meetings? After the pre-meeting weigh-ins ... enough to keep you interested in coming back each week?
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Hey Bren, this sounds like an idea that might work - Monday nites are pretty convenient and maybe i can stick with this, we know how well my joining the gym went:lol: Did you guys already sign up online or do you wait till the meeting? Where exactly is the church? i know i know a lot of questions, it is just this is the first time i have seen this thread:)
  12. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    OH MY GOSH!!! You are a toothpick!! You don't need WW. Give me a call at work....do you still have the number? If not, PM me and I'll give it to ya.
  13. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    ok now you must definitely be thinking of someone else and yeah i still have the number, will give ya a call sometime this afternoon when i run outside for a cig:)
  14. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Ok, I've got a dilema. I got sick last Thursday with Strep throat. Doc gave me Z-Pak for 5 days. I was no better this morning than I was when I went last week. So I went again. Doc gave me a different antibiotic, pain pills (because it kills me to swallow), and steroids for the swelling in my throat. I've been told that steroids make you gain weight. I certainly don't want to join WW tonight if I'm gonna bloat all up for the next 6 days, only to weigh in next Monday night and have gained 10 pounds. What do you girls think? Would it be a waste of my time & money to join tonight or should I just wait til next Monday?
    BTW, I'm not contagious. Since I've already taken antibiotics for 5 days, I'm good to go. At least that's what my doctor said.

  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Aw girl, sorry to hear that. Now if it were me and there were any chance that my very next weighin would show weight gain, i would probably wait, but that is just me. If you do decide to wait, i will too so we can go and be newbies together - hope ya feel better.
  16. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'm at work til 4. But I know you have my cell # too. Either one is fine.

    And no, I'm thinking of the right person. You're gonna die when you see how much weight I've gained in the past couple of months. Can you say oink oink??? (Because I've sure been pigging out) :lol:
  17. michellegrl77

    michellegrl77 Well-Known Member

    What one are you guys going too? I am going to the one in clayton at 600 tonight. I did weight watchers 2 years ago and lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I stopped going and gained it all back + 10 UGH
  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    was planning on going to the one at the church on 1010 but not gonna start until next week - let me know how it goes tonite.
  19. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    I am in on MOnday night

    I would love to go and lose about 30 pounds. It would help me if someone told me what I needed to eat instead of what I don't need to eat!! LOL! I have gained too much weight this summer with a desk job and no exercise.

    Do I just come to the meeting on MOnday night and decide then? I have never done this sort of thing before and would love to try it!!
  20. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest

    Every week you discuss something different. One week we talked about preparing to go out to dinner and rehearsing in our heads what we'd order so we would make good choices. With the start of the Olympics we began discussing sports and getting active. I think the Saturday meeting is great because Tonia is really upbeat and fun. She is incredibly motivating. The other people at the meeting share their successes and everyone helps each other. There's a lot of celebration and encouragement. For me I go back because I'm the only one in my house watching what I eat and trying to lose... so it helps to have that big group of people that are also working through it too!

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