Weight Watchers

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by elims, Aug 12, 2008.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Cool, will be good to see ya again - from what i got from the website, the first meeting is free and then you decide if you want to join or not and there are different options for joining - we will all be newbies together:)
  2. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Heck yeah, the more the merrier!!
  3. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    WILL be there in the morning!!!
  4. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I think it is a little cheaper to do online. They give you great recipes, too. You wouldn't have the official monthly meetings but everybody interested on here could get together for a meeting.
    When I did it(and I want to do it again) there was a great website called halfmysize.com that had good recipes as well.
  5. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    speaking of websites, Dotties weight loss zone.. www.dwlz.com is great for recipes and it even gives you points for most restaurants.. great info

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Just a suggestion with some help for you girls. I have a very health oriented family, just the way we were raised, vegies, lean meats, small amounts of starchy foods etc. and plenty of exercise but one thing that has helped all of us, is that we maintain junk free kitchen cabinets and frig., therefore no temptation. All of us, that would include 5 brothers and sisters, were taught that the best way to manage your diet was to prepare a grocery list for that weeks meals only, buy nothing extra, not to say there are not times that you have to drop by the store for another gallon of milk etc. but this keeps the cabinets down to a minimum and the frig as well. Ya can't eat whats not there. Remember as well that all those prepackaged lean meals at the store have tons of sodium in them. Drink your water but don't overhydrate for those of you that might retain fluid. I hope you don't mind me giving you guys some of my families tips. I'm pulling for every one of you to get healthy.
    Good luck.
  7. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Thanks BUFF!
    You have a very good point, you cant eat whats not there.
    I will be at the weight watchers meeting on Saturday morning!!!
    Clayton Womens Center.
    See you there Elims!!!

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    If you have time this weekend, pull everything out of the cabinets/frig. and throw out the bad stuff that will be tempting you. Just start all over with making better choices. One of my sisters just recently did this, even if I'd have to say she didn't need to because she's such a health freak, but her husband did not get a good report on his colon and he needed a higher fiber diet, so she once again cleaned out the cabinets and vows to do this at least once a month.
  9. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    Ok everybody, please post tomorrow if you end up going. Let us know how it was. I'm still on for Monday night....Kaci, Michelle, Breezy, you still going??? I had strep then tonsillitis last week....but I'm ready to rock now!!!

  10. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest

    I thought it was a great meeting. There was a lot of celebrating today! As a group we lost over 70lbs. Personally I lost 4.2lbs... bringing my total loss to 12.2 :)

    How'd everyone else do? Anyone go?
  11. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    That is awesome!!! Way to go!! :hurray:

    I'm so jealous...I can't wait to start on Monday night!! I would love to lose 12.2 pounds in a few weeks!!!

  12. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest

    Thanks Bren! It's been almost 2 months following the plan for me (started on a visit up north with my Mom) and I've continued on as I returned here to NC. I'll be sending you positive weight loss vibes :lol:
  13. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I was there!!
    I thought it was Fantastic!
    Congrats on your weight loss this week!:hurray:

    I was the one in the back looking like a scardey cat.
    I am really psyched and can't wait to see what happens in the near future!
    First 5 pounds Here I come!!!!!!!!
    Great to meet you Elims!!
    With each other to lean on, we can't lose.
    Well, inches maybe:lol::lol:
  14. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Frame, With each other to lean on, we WILL lose!!! :lol:

    I thought this morning's meeting was great fun! SOOOO Many people!!! It really was inspirational, seeing so many people with one ultimate purpose in mind ... hearing of everyone's success, big and small ... there was some great energy there. I'm looking forward to getting started after I hit the grocery store tomorrow! Tonite, I've got my new books to read ... I have to start studying tips and suggestions and recipes and point values ...

    Buena, congrats on the weight loss!!! That's awesome!!
    Bren, let us know how it goes Monday night!!
  15. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the weight loss! Thats awesome. I will be at the Holland church meeting on Monday if anyone else is going. Good luck everyone!
  16. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    I'll be there!!! It'll be good to meet someone else from the board!! I was told to try to get there around 6:30...is that a good time???

    BTW, Kaci, have you purchased yours online yet? I've got to do that today.

  17. buenasuerta

    buenasuerta Guest

    I was near the front. I talked about my struggle with my thyroid condition :)
  18. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Ahh yes, I remember you.
    I loved your tshirt,
    I think it read, I have a fat pole and I am not afraid to use it.
    Or something like it.
    It was funny
    I remember you talking about your condition. I know that must be really tough and I salute you for being able to work through it like Tonia said.
    That rocks.:hurray:
    I have had my Gallbladder removed, and I used to use that as an excuse for not losing any weight, but not anymore!!
    Nice to meet you and hopefully we will see more of each other at the meetings.8)
  19. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    That's incredible, buena ... I told a good friend of mine about you, after the meeting yesterday! So, see, you're even influencing people you dont know! I'm glad you shared yesterday ... I'm looking forward to talking with you sometime!

    Bren and Kaci, if you havent paid yet, you can do it there ... dont let that stop ya from going tomorrow night!!! ;)
  20. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    Yes 6:30 is a good time. The meeting starts at 7 but if you get there at 6:30 you won't have to wait in line long and you get a good seat.

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