Girl i am right there with ya on the points i think this time i will probably get 40 LOL JK but I wish i only had 18 that would mean i was smaller!!!!!
Loving the free veggies, and the popcorn I found came out to being like 1 point for 5 cups. But that is a lot of popcorn! Good for nibbles throughout the day. I am the nibbler.:lol: Feel like I need a costume. only it comes in a size 10 Being home all day leads to too much temptation with the fridge right in the next room I have been resisting the urge though. So far so good. OMG if I had only 18 points I think I would starve. I got 33. But hey if I had 18 points I would be skinny too!! *sigh*
Just to get an idea, can someone tell me how much it costs to join? I have a free registration card, but each meeting? Thanks so much! April
If you buy the montly pass which I recommend, cheaper, it is 39.95 mo. WORTH EVERY PENNY!!! hope to see you Sat. at a meeting!
I'm such a message board slacker! I had a very depressing day full of bad news, and I suddenly realized I hadn't popped in here lately. Went back and read of all the good ideas and awesome support floating around this thread. So thanks to all... I know none of it was directed at me personally (and I wasn't looking for that), but your words to each other and about WW has helped lift my spirits substantially. I'll see you folks on Saturday!