No, I don't consider providing education to our children to be welfare. You may call a Hummer a Caddy...but that doesn't make it so. ??? Brain fart there Wayne?
ImTheNormal0ne, we weren't even friends. Never have been, out of the blue I get a PM telling me ALL of their business. I thought it was bizarre, but you know what there is an Aesop's Fable that comes to mind... The Snake and The Farmer. The farmer knew it was a poisonous snake, why did he think the snake was going to treat him any differently? Still, he put himself out there. Now, the Farmer did nothing wrong. But Tammy started a thread under a ruse, to try and intimidate somebody along with all the SSDD BS going on behind the scenes that we have come to expect from that gruesome twosome, Ike & Tina. And they all lived happily ever after.
You can try to explain it away if you like but it is the exact same thing as you oppose. Taxpayer money is used to provide assistance to those in need based on that need. The amount of money available is not limited to what they have paid in taxes and not all will be eligible regardless of whether they paid taxes or not. Just how you can call it something else other than a welfare program is beyond me. Yes, I should have added 'programs' between 'those' and 'you' to have made it more clear.
So, let me ask. Do you call a "birthday present" a "handout"? I mean, it's the same thing. You're getting something for nothing, right?
By definition, yes it is. Especially if the giver is not related or closely associated with the receiving party. I get birthday 'gifts' from retail stores all of the time and I consider them to be handouts, don't you?
wel·fare ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wlfâr) n. Health, happiness, and good fortune; well-being. Prosperity. Welfare work. Financial or other aid provided, especially by the government, to people in need. Corporate welfare. Aid provided to people in need by the government, I cannot see how the definition changes when the aid is for education instead of food within any logical discussion.
la·zy Audio pronunciation of "lazy" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (lz) adj. la·zi·er, la·zi·est 1. Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness. 2. Slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy river. 3. Conducive to idleness or indolence: a lazy summer day. 4. Depicted as reclining or lying on its side. Used of a brand on livestock. [Probably of Low German origin.]lazi·ly adv. lazi·ness n. Synonyms: lazy, fainéant, idle, indolent, slothful These adjectives mean not disposed to exertion, work, or activity: too lazy to wash the dishes; fainéant aristocrats; an idle drifter; an indolent hanger-on; slothful employees.
Why do you qualify it by saying "especially if the giver is not related". It doesn't matter. The fact is, just like walfare v. grants, it's the same thing, but because of the context, we use different words. I mean, if you want to get overly picky about such things, you accept welfare all the time. Do you watch PBS? Part of what you watching is paid for by the government tax dollars. Your getting it free, but my tax dollars are paying for it. Did you buy clothes last weekend? Oops, more welfare! Tax free weekend is not really tax free. I mean the government is not going to just forget that they didn't have any income from last weekend, they've taken the tax free weekend into account and are actually charging me more in taxes so you can catch a break. Basically anything you get from the government, to use your definition, is welfare. But where the rest of us differ from you is that "welfare" as we define it, is government subsidies intended for those in need.
That is one government subsidy that I would love to see cut out completely. Let the free market rule...but then I would also love to see free market competition in education also.
What I want to know is, why are there 2 different topics in here? Something about a husband and wife thing. Tell the story so we all can understand what you all are talking about. Then you have the origional topic of welfare. What the heck does a birthday present have to do with welfare? That was just to far fetched to use as an example, in my opinion. So, I am on welfare because I have received a gift? come on, you are kidding right?
Good morning from the dancing peppers! i still think welfare should be a short term thing that gets folks back on their feet and gets them jobs not handouts!