Poll Results: If someone is on welfare and receiving food stamps do you think they should have to be in a program
Members who voted for 'yes'
- Anonymous
- Webmaster
- ShrtnSwt
- David
- BobF
- Larry
- Pepper Jack
- JenniferK
- Stinger_6
- Harvey
- markfnc
- CrzyForBaseball
- Clint
- Bren
- kidsfly
- Hught
- mommax5
- tassy
- corrosion
- redclaymud
- Cleopatra
- swinkles
- John Carr
- mom2two
- FamilyOfFive
- xlt4x4
- ncmom
- jenfromnc
- bigten
- Fatboy
- softballmom
- stu
- Devildog
- michelle
- rcmommy
- rrgreennc
- WestTrombone71
- ibleedbluee
- Britsmom
- JustMe
- it'sme
- CraigSPL
- Lucie
- maildude
- pj
- ubergeek
- reeteach2
- ljk
- khp
- Kelyel
- roca1216
- Tonja
- SubMom727
- robbie
- Pirate96
- madison
- smoketamer
- Songbrd001
- TFisher
- blusdrmr
- ddrdan
- IncognitO
- Debyan
- elims
- Bunnyz
- froggerplus
- SSM258
- Melody40
- Melynda
- peppercorns
- lilme
- jessiejames2
- Animal lover
- le
- Southernborn
- silkyrabbit
- stabillski
- concernedperson
- PirateGirl
- wolfcub
- lindenul
- space_cowboy
- Vitameatavegemin
- harleygirl
- Josey Wales
- momz x 2
- frugalmomoftwo
- hhmom
- ready2cmyKing
- uncmom
- Crockadoodledoo
- ForeverFaithful
- Oy Yayoy
- Raven
- magnolia
- PeeWee
- Fighting Camel
- Quincy8Boy
- shell77
- m-d
- Vinalexnc
- bandmom
- zookeeper
- scenario
- Looney Tunes
- gcoats3
- barney726
- Wayne Stollings
- ARedhead
- IDontSleepIDream
- ILoveRedHeads
- fatherof3
- yeah-I-know
- arogronjomom
- granola acres mayor
- Pwoods
- shygrrl
- Mark W.
- ws
- BigBob
- Call me JT
- toysrmel.com
- ksmahgrts
- toadallyfruity
- meanreen
- dangerboy
- MrDj
- tatorgirl
- rincmom
- Italian Stallion
- ImTheNormal0ne
- stillbroke
- crownsjo
- ponychick
- JayT
- kaci
- Aglassnut
- lovetherascals
- twinsmom
- kookookacho
- g1b50up
- dbs241
- cherokee
- mordorboy
- mayday
- blessed2adopt2
- MissyPrissy
- grysunshine
- Absaroka
- turtlepits
- Twitch
- Motherof3memaof4
- sweetpea112
- walloon
- pastorg
- pcroom
- Solak
- Jester
- 1_more_PitBull
- Former Buckeye
- LAbrad
- ginger1989
- eaglepoint
- SpunkyPunky
- Kdog
- NCLady35
- schrinder
- Ro
- zekesmom
- gc2005
- Hatteras6
- jsgarner
- snapple
- nsanemom22
- claytonsassy
- CakePrincess
- smithfielder
- Lindros
- Tangerine
- racecitync
- biggrw
- Ash107
- BenDover
- cvfdcaptain
- KDsGrandma
- bnkrnr
- kermitmcdermit
- MrsME
- nevilock
195 total votes.