All the lady told me was that is was something that has the graduation year on it. I'm thinking like a sash. Already got the ring....and replaced it already...
Clayton High School has a 15 ticket max. Bad part is, it is an odd number, so you have to decide what 5 people get the first set of seats, which 4 get the next and who gets stuck in the bleachers. I agree graduation costs are way too much. My son's graduation packet cost us almost $400! That was cap, gown, announcements, thank yous, those tissue paper inserts, name cards, etc. There was a lot of things he wanted that I said no to, but I will give him credit, he did pay for 1/2. Did not get the "senior" pictures when they were offered. Smallest packet was almost $300, Walmart or using a digital camera. Did buy the cap and gown pictures ~ $150 (special that was offered). If I can reuse my son's cap and gown when my daughter graduates, will. I remember getting my class ring my Jr year of HS now it is sopomore. My Senior yearbook cost me $12! Ok, I graduated in '81 and only had 15 in my graduating class...there were 8 the year before. Never had to have tickets. That is like Prom, it has gotten way expensive. We had our dance at the school, the Jr class did the decorations, hired the DJ, ladies auxilary did the food and it cost us $5 for one and $7 for a couple.
S Johnston doesn't give tickets. We have our graduation on the football field and everybody comes. This is my second year in a row that I have one graduating. We couldn't use the gown from last year because its not the same shade of green. Actually we have 6 caps and gowns from SJ and none of them are the same. They always change the style or the shade or something so that you will have to purchase them each year. My daughters graduation package this year was $480. We also did the Senior drape picture, the cap and gown pic, and another set of pics (5 different outfits) to go on her $400 page senior ad in the year book that cost about $70. We spend over $2000 in pics alone this year. And then there was the monthly payments for Senior night (4 days) at Disney World a couple of weeks ago, then there was the Senior ball in January, and of course the Prom and a trip to the beach. And while all this was going on we were paying for tuition at Campbell and paying to hold spots for this one to decide where she wants to go. We got the class ring in 10th grade. Thank goodness. And now the grand finale is a car for graduation and a big party. I thought I was poor when they were babies. I need like 5 jobs just to keep up so if ya'll don't see me out and about for a while you'll know why.
I feel for ya' Tangerine! It's just ridiculous the amount of money it takes just to get them outta' high school. Sure eats into the college fund. I've got an upcoming Freshman at West and an upcoming 8th grader at CMS so it just boggles my mind how much I need to save for their senior years! :x
Ok well if SJ doesn't do tickets what is it that I am thinking we used tickets for and we only had like 4-5 to use for immediate family? And wth is Senior Ball? Is the prom just not good enough? :lol: But then again... that was quite some time back. <sigh> the years keep slipping by....:?
I graduated in 86 and we didn't do tickets. We didn't do tickets last year either but if you're thinking tickets maybe it was in case of rain and graduation had to be in the gym. Senior Ball is a semi formal dance that they have in January. Girls wear a party dress and guys wear dress pants and tie. We didn't have Senior ball when I was in school. We didn't have Senior night at Disney World either. BTW, Mickey Mouse wore a cap and gown that night. lol