What do you guys think? HEY Webbie......

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MommySAIDno, Aug 17, 2007.


Would you find a 4042.com LOCAL KID'S SPORTS forum helpful?

  1. YES

    18 vote(s)
  2. NO

    30 vote(s)
  1. edn3boys

    edn3boys Guest

    Its nice to know what your options are...

    Youth sports are certainly not the 'end all, be all' that some people make them out to be. Lets face it, too many parents get way too intense at these 'recreational' events. But, most kids don't get to compete athletically at the high school level and with so many life lessons to be learned from team sports, I think the services provided by organizations like the MCAA and the high interest level in the general community warrant a forum.

    Or, you can just go to our website:

    www.gomcaa.com Its a relatively new website (i.e. still has some pages under construction) we put up for anyone interested in youth sports activities in the McGee's area. That's not to say you have to live there, its just where we play our home games.

    email me if you have questions...Ed.
  2. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    For someone who started out asking a seemingly innocent question, MommySaidNo, you sure have turned into a nasty little post-er. Was there an alterior motive to all of this??

    Ken can be harsh at times. However, at other times, it's taken wrong by the original post-er who has something else in mind anyway. Ken seems to be good at busting people :cool:.

    I agree with Ken, Kaci, and Hatteras. Do the search before posting the question. Not everyone is computer-savvy, that's why duplicate requests are either redirected by those who are more savvy, or are answered again.

  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I definitely think a 'daycare/elementary school' forum would be very helpful....last count there were like 7 threads that were about those two subjects alone. :rolleyes:
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    You are not nice? The hell you say! lol jk
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I don't think there were enough voting options.
  6. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    Does this really matter? How does adding a sports forum change the way any of us go about our daily lives other than making certain information a little more easily accessible? If the Webmaster were to add a sports forum on here will it give anyone gooey bleeding gum ulcers that cant be treated with 5 rounds of antibiotics?
  7. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  8. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Exactly what I was trying to say. I posted an "innocent little poll & question", and those who did not agree started hurling insults at me. Then, I get called "nasty" when I respond. Really, I was rather shocked at the nastiness directed towards me. I mean, a simple "NO" vote on the poll would have been fine. I don't know, maybe only regular posters are allowed to have opinions here? Anyway, thanks Grinder, for stating the reality of this thread so well.

    Ed, I was also glad to see your post.... "Lets face it, too many parents get way too intense at these 'recreational' events. But, most kids don't get to compete athletically at the high school level and with so many life lessons to be learned from team sports, I think the services provided by organizations like the MCAA and the high interest level in the general community warrant a forum."

    Point well made. Just because some kids don't get involved in sports, that doesn't mean they do not serve a very valuable purpose in the lives of other kids. And playing youth team sports does not mean that the kids are "academically weak" either.

    We love MCAA. Thanks Ed, for all you have done to make the organization possible!! I think it would be wonderful for you and other local youth sports organizations to have a forum where you could list information and respond to questions from local citizens. Just my opinion!
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ok, just curious, but does the MCAA have a website that parents can post questions and get answers like GCAA does? If not, then maybe that would be a great forum to be started by those involved and running it.

    Honestly, i just do not think the 4042 board is a place to start individual forums for individual groups as it would lead to one of those battles where why is my interest not on a separate forum and your's is kind of thing. Just trying to look at it from the majority's point of view.

    Please do not take this as being against youth sports, anyone that knows me knows that i spent about 15 years or so running and involved in sports programs for my 3 boys including football, baseball, basketball and a short sprint in soccer - i just try to look at things from different perspectives and be fair to all.
  11. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    The Animal Lovers forum is for a specific group.

    So is the PC Help.

    And the Money Matters.

    Its been done on here already.

    The Sports Forum, while could be considered as a group, could actually serve the GCAA, MCAA, YMCA, JUSA, Pop Warner and so on. I think it would have a wider range of use than the Money Matters or the Animals Place.
  12. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Aw come on, wasn't it bad enough listening to all the fighting between parents on the field G?;):lol::lol::lol:
  13. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Frankly, I'm shocked you can "say" that with a "straight face"!

    You are the one who started slinging, and slinging ugly fast. What an example for your children :shock: . I know my Little One would be on me if I were to call someone a JERK, especially someone I've never met. That's extremely bad manners or "bad form" as some say.

    If you want real answers to a real question, ask it and be prepared for the responses. If you have some sort of hidden agenda, just find somewhere else. All trolls are found out here in due time. Stalkers, money mongers, and slightly psychotics too. Find somewhere else.

  14. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I realize that you and Ken are friends. I appreciate your loyalty to him. I expect that you must understand his personality better than I do. I'm not sure what the criteria are for a "troll" but I know my ONLY "agenda" was to see if we could have a forum for people looking for local info on youth sports that was all in one place. It seems to me that there are several who agreed with my opinion on the matter at least.

    Sorry if I offended you. It's been quite a while since I've been on here, but I remeber posting back and forth with you and I always found you to be a decent and intelligent person. Honestly, I had no idea this thread would turn nasty. I really do feel that Ken's sarcasim was not "good form" at all. I said I was just joking in the beginning but I guess it got a rise out of his ego. I don't know. I DO feel he was the first to be nasty and I just called him on it. Who knows, maybe he was having a bad day, maybe I took his sarcasim the wrong way. If so...truce, Ken. It just doesn't seem worth all of this and I didn't post to start a war.

    Frogger, I'm really not one to pick a fight. But, if the cause is worth it, I will finish one. THAT is what I teach my kids too.

    I hope you are doing well. Really, I hate that this thread has had some frustrating posts, but I simply do not concede that it was I who started the nastiness. I think Grinder said it best. Does it really matter that much? I guess to some, it does, don't understand why, but it might be earth shattering to some to have a Sports forum added. I don't really think it is about a new forum to some. Maybe it's just about making "THEIR" opinion the only one that is right.

    Doesn't matter much to me. I know where to go to get the sports info I need. Their are several sites that I (bless my "internet lazy" self) actually managed to bookmark (and I did it without Ken's help - WOW!!). Just thought some new parents/transplants might find a forum with all the info they need helpful. But hey, if it won't help the majority, that's okay too. Funny how several threads on sports have recently popped up here???!!!

    As for stereotypes Ken, I find it interesting when people play the part too, especially classic, textbook NPD's. Whatsamatter, you afraid to respond to that one? Oh, maybe you can't find it on google?? Let me know if you need help. Maybe you don't want to bring the truth about you to light for all your buds to think about and your many more opposers to have a realization about. Now that would be bad for you, wouldn't it?!! Seriously, I think I understand where you are coming from now and I will remember to take your condition into account in the future. You really can't help it. That doesn't make you a bad person and you still have lots to contribute to society.

    Now it makes sense that you would imply that I'm some crazy sports parent when you have never even met me or my kids. You won't find kids more capable of being a "good sport" than mine are. But they also know how to stand up for what is good and what is right.

    So that's it. Can't we just let this be a poll and leave it at that?! I don't think you have much to worry about anyway since the numbers are not favoring my opinion anyway. Don't you have better things to do?? ;)
  15. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Ok, so there is a website for what the OP wanted - why not check it out?
  16. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Why not post it in the 4042.com Youth Sports Forum along with all the other local sports organizations? How are people new to the area or new to youth sports going to know about the local youth sports websites? If they happen to find 4042.com, I bet they will click on the Youth Sports Forum and find it very helpful. Just my opinion.
  17. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Not being sarcastic by any means, but why not ask Webbie (or whoever is in charge of 4042.com) about sports section or listed as children' s after school activities.

  18. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Probably because anyone who has been on 4042 any amount of time knows that every time a sports thread starts up, it usually ends up in parents arguing. Most local community sports organizations have their own website and anyone new to the area just has to Google to find the one closest to them. i wish it wasn't so, but every time someone starts on the sports, once the season starts, all we hear are complaints. Maybe that is why Webbie chooses not to do what MSN is asking.
  19. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    ooppss didn't know that.

    What happened to kids having fun with sports? parents should chill and let the kids have their fun.

  20. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Not trying to take sides here at all, but the 4042 home page has a button that says "local links." Several sports organizations are listed there, and any that are not could easily add their sites to the list with a simple e-mail to webbie, just by clicking a link on that page. There's a wealth of information to be had on this site, if we just think to click on some of those buttons - like the local calendar, the business directory, classifieds, even e-cards.

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