See that is what i was thinking about doing, i have to go every 4 weeks now, my hair grows too friggin fast and i cannot stand grey roots showing. How do you do the in between touch up roots thing?
I'm with you, I paid $13 (1/2 price gift card, LOL) about 2 months ago, gotta go again soon, and dreading the $$. It will be a lot higher this time. I color my own now too, I found one that matches my natural color almost perfectly to cover the grey. Danged grey hair! :evil:
When i was your age i didn't either but about 5 years ago it got to be too much trying to keep the roots down and decided to opt for professional color. i look at it as my thing to myself and i'm worth it:lol::lol:
turn it purple 1 time with that box color and, usually on a saturday night after all the shops are closed and you will change your mind, :jester: or either your just not gray enough yet..... :jester:
Ding ding ding...well flip flops of all colors ....and I gotta keep them toes looking sexy!!! Pedicures are cheap baby ...well, if you get them every 2-3 weeks :mrgreen:
This is the ONE and ONLY thing I do for myself about once every three months (yes...I stretch it out as much as possible for those $$$ reasons), with working full time and having the two toddlers it is pretty much the only time I have for myself. However, I am thinking I need to just screw the hair...who really cares how it looks, just keep it cut and opt to get massages instead!!!!! :lol:
and there ya have it..... :cheers: and I have the money to do it because I sacrifice in other areas. I have to have this hair the rest of my life....and it will look good, by God!!!
Don't get me wrong, not putting anyone down for how they choose to pamper themselves. It's just a very foriegn concept to me. Speaking of hair, I think it's time to switch things up again. Going to google!
I pay $100 and that's with my tip for cut/all over color/highlight(2 colors)/blowdry...I think it's either $80 or $85 then the tip = $100.00 It's a treat to myself every 6 weeks. Now, every 6 weeks during the summer, I'm letting the 14 get hers done as well. Us two and the 11 yo are getting ready to get them done for a it's gonna cost me around $200.
Mine is about $60-65 which is cut/foil highlights (same for 1 or 2 colors) and blowdry. Just a cut $15. Natalie is great! I would NEVER use a box - I am too scared of how it would turn out! When I went the other day, one of the other hairstylists had on a shirt that I thought was great. It said "I am a professional, don't try this at home" on the back of the shirt and the advertisment for Salon 42 on the front. I loved it! Karen true!!! Only worried about the wind blowing them off as it always seems to be windy down here on Fayetteville St. THEN..I COULD get massages INSTEAD of hair...... hmmmm.....
OK so spill! I need a haircut badly and since we just moved here I don't know where to go. Short hair/razor cut and definitely need color!
There are a few threads on here about where to get your hair cut/colored etc around this area. Sorry getting ready to leave work and don't have time to search for them.