Seal qualification training?
SQL Acronym Definition SQL Structured Query Language (database query lanquage) SQL Standard Query Language (less common) SQL Squelch (radio communications) SQL Sonora Quest Laboratories (Tempe, Arizona clinical lab) SQL Specified Quality Level SQL Search and Query Language SQL Long-Finned Squid (FAO species code) SQL San Carlos, California Municipal Airport (Airport Code) SQL School Quota Letter (military) **I am guessing maybe some type of radio communications in Clayton??**
Sorry to ruin everyone's fun but they are stickers given to Talecris employees. It stands for Service Quality Throughput.
I think you meant Swan Quarter, NC. There is a ferry landing there. Kinda like Archer Lodge, versus Archers (or Archer's) Lodge. :lol:
It's a management or quality system at Talecris. I think it's one of those Lean or Six Sigma things, i.e. TPS=Toyota Production System, MPS=Merck Production System. The randomly pick employees who have the sticker on their car and they get a prize.
Thank you LoveGoose and Quincy8Boy. I knew someone here would know! :cheers: Thanks everybody else too!
uh... yeah... Google is always my first move. But I don't think there are many active Navy Seals in Clayton.
no, no, no...i'm just joking around. they're seals...they're wouldn't know if they were here. nevermind. but did anyone ever answer the question why swan quarter would have clayton written on the bottom of the sticker? i might've missed that part.
nevermind me brain reverted to early yesterday. talecris...that's the answer. la la la la la...brain on hiatis today, i guess. (i still like my seal least i make myself laugh.)
You'd laugh even more if I told you what Dh told me about SQT. He said they have a department equivalent to the Talecris explanation where he works. They call them something no where near navy seals! I better not post it. It's dirty. lol