I just don't get an opportunity to get on here during the day. My desk computer will not let me on here and if I want to sneak a peak on here, I have to go into our plan room and can only go there when no one is here. Today, everyone left before noon, so have been here by myself all afternoon and have gotten to be on here. At night when I get home, I am just too tired sometimes to even boot the computer up. By the time I get dinner done and everything and the kids are finished with their stuff, I am usually curled up in bed between 9:30 and 10:00 pm.
See ya'll I am in a MOOD...I don't know, think I am tooo overwhelmed...not pissy with anyone in here.....my knee is killing me, tried to get in with ortho today and he is going to be out of town for 2 weeks, and I don't know how I am going to make it. OH R2CMK---LOVE THE AVATAR.......
I have had knee surgery on both knees. what seems to be hurting you, when you bend, stand, what. feel like i should be a pro by now.
boring unless someone is argueing(sp) huh? i think yall love drama. lets the day go by fast!! But yall call me the drama queen. :lol: doesnt it? :? am I right or wrong?? :?: :wink: :wink: :wink: