Where Do We Live? Name it

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cougar6, May 9, 2006.


Should the Cleveland; 40/42 geographic community area have an official name?

  1. yes

  2. no

    0 vote(s)
  3. Who cares? I like being confused.

  1. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    We've kind of talked about this before. What ya'll are talking about is selecting an alternate place name...that's all.

    In an 8 mile radius from 40/42, there are 5 "cities": Garner, Willow Spring (yes, only one spring), Clayton, Four Oaks, and Benson. One the other side is a Raleigh address. All of these P.O.s would have to agree on (1) giving up that respective territory and (2) after a survey from the residents affected, agree to whatever Post Office delivering that "we" choose (by a 75% majority I *think*).

    This would mean that the area would be called, for instance, 4042, NC. If Garner served us, the whole area would be 4042, NC 27529...served out of the Garner P.O. No new and distinct ZIP code (and, yes, they do exist). I have to tell ya, those P.O.s are loathe to lose territory, the cost to do the surveys would have to be absorbed by the residents, and no new P.O.

    No, an alternate place name doesn't mean taxes. Incorporation means taxes to those living within the city limits and about 1 mile out (again, I *think*).

    I, personally, would prefer not to be incorporated by Clayton. Their taxes are high, their governemnt is established, and we'd have no say-so...pretty much like we have it now. They had an ETJ to Guy Road (up 42), and rumors of one to Cornwallis Rd (I haven't looked). Where do they stop after that but all the way up to 40/42?

    As for the Chamber involvement, I can't speak to that since I don't work there and am not an active volunteer. (In other words, out of the 'loop'). It's a business organization so would that be the right group to go to about this? I mean, it involves a bigger majority of residents than it does businesses.

    Just another viewpoint.

  2. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ....yes ....Obi-Wan.....
  4. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I have a Garner address. I would just like a Johnston County town address, if we did not have our own post office. I just get tired of saying Garner, but in Johnston County. Everyone looks at you like your nuts.
  5. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    The strong area growth causes this topic to rise to the surface every year or so. There are a number of related issues and finding an answer for one can complicate another. For those interested, follow this link for a review of past stories covered by 4042.com:


    A note on one of the topics (Alternate Name Place) which has caused a good deal of confusion in the past. There was a move to obtain an Alternate Name Place, which is established by the Postal Service. Why? To give a common "mailing name" for this area we live in.

    At the last community meeting that was held concerning the Alternate Name Place (held at Cleveland Middle School with representatives of the US Postal Service present), a piece of information came out that tabled the whole issue - an Altername Name Place *cannot*, according to USPS regulations, cross zip code boundries! So, it would NOT be possible to come up with an Alternate Name Place that would unite the entire area - only ONE ZIP CODE within the area would be able to take the Alternate Name.

    That means that at the 40/42 intersection, with Clayton Zip codes on one side and Ganer Zip codes on the other, you cannot unite them under a single Alternate Name.

    Local government for the area, taxes, possible annexation by surrounding towns.....SOMETHING is going to happen at some point....and remains up for discussion! 8)
  6. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Tiny History Lesson

    There was no city of Raleigh in Sir Walter Raleigh's life (1552-1618).

    I'm not 100% sure he ever even set foot in the "New World" aka: North Carolina. "Raleigh conceived and organized the colonizing expeditions to America that ended tragically with the “lost colony” expeditions on Roanoke Island, N.C."
    FYI http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/ralegh.htm
  7. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    That was what was told, from what I've heard. As I said above, tho, the whole area (Clayton, Garner, etc) can opt to be in one delivery "zone". The the APN area will be delivered by that one Post Office. The 'opting' has to come from a unified front by the residents.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    i would vote cleveland school area. heck that is what it is called now.

    cleveland spring or springs has nothing to do with the history around here.

    where are the springs, i just didnt like it from the start. jmo.

    there is a lot of history around the old middle school.
  9. Auxie

    Auxie Well-Known Member

    What is this "Chamber"? Is it still active?
    When I fill out a form for an ad (don't care if I receive the info or not), I use Cleveland Crossing for my town. Sometimes I get the information, sometimes I don't. I received a reply last month that didn't even list a city on the mailing address.
    Looks like this problem has been ongoing over 10 years as that is the last reply on this site.!!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
  10. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The zip code should be the deciding official name. Many businesses use the Post Office address for everything and if there is even a difference in capitalization they change it to that of the Post Office, especially for mail.


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