Where is the money going in JCS?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by teachourchildrenwell, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    What in the world does that mean?
  2. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    And, it has already been posted on this thread, which is why you should not have responded, but that is just my opinion. I now grow weary trying to discuss this. Have a great weekend all.
  3. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    OMG, of course that's old data, that was his old contract amount through June 07. The new data is current data?? Can you keep up?

    Okay, I've gotten board with this, because you are not offering facts, just BS.

    Show me some current hard facts and I might listen.
  4. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    I'll type slower so you can comprehend.....I don't believe for a second that you called the White House hotline today and got the figure of $250,000 as being the annual salary of the President of the United States.
  5. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Yes, we have spoken with the Principal. The school is McGees Middle, and the age group is 6th - 8th grade. We have also gone higher including the Board. It was actually the Board Chairman who told me that the money was not there to do what we requested for the children.
  6. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I just called the school and they do offer after school, no before school tutoring in math and language arts. She didn't have a schedule for it up front, but did say if I needed more info to talk to my teacher, because the teachers do it themselves a couple days a week.:evil:
  7. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    I am leaving for a while, but if you want to stay on the exact topic above and not get into all the other stuff, I and hopefully others will respond when I (we) can over the weekend. Maybe I (we) can help in some way.

    Please remember that if this is the topic then we need to stay with the facts of this one topic and maybe your child(ren) can be helped.

    Talk soon................if the topic is the same.
  8. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    No you are right, How could I have called today when I set up the Discussion group last night? Should I type slower for you. . .I will not respond to you again as I feel that you are too ignorant, and just want to fight. Fight with somebody else!
  9. Madonna

    Madonna Well-Known Member

    Hum, interesting. Now we are actually getting somewhere. So the school does offer after school tutoring for the subjects mentioned. Any other problems? Maybe Southerborn can fix them real quick.
  10. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    At least I'm not so ignorant as to think the President of the United States makes less than the Supt. of Johnston County schools....then try to play it off that I made a phone call to the White House and got the wrong information.
  11. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Yep, funny how my child doesn't even attend that school and it took me 2 minutes to call and get the facts.8)
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I'm going to jump in and say that if the regular after-school tutoring and in-school remediation program is being utilized, and you are STILL not seeing results (ie: sinking in) then perhaps it is in your child's best interest to go to an outside tutor. I mean, gee... I always wondered how Sylvan stayed in business. Seriously. Get off of your azz and do more for your kid instead of sitting around demanding that somebody else take care of it. I would never make a ****ing contest out of my child's education and future.

    - Cleo (who picks her son up every Tuesday and Thursday from FREE Math & LA tutoring.)
  13. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  14. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    Possibly you should read what I wrote in #34 // I am WELL AWARE of the (1) day per week after school tutoring, and the in school remediation called fast track.
  15. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    For starters, my child is an HONOR ROLL student. I am tutoring other children in the community for FREE because they can not afford Sylvan. Possibly you could pay for their children to go there? Are you offering?
  16. teachourchildrenwell

    teachourchildrenwell Active Member

    I told you that after school tutoring was being offered, and remediation (1) day per week called fast track in item #34 in this discussion group. The problem is that there are soooo many students going, that the children who really need one on one help can't progress. My child is on Honor Roll, I am helping other children by tutoring them 1 on 1 for free. These parents do not have the money for programs such a Sylvan. Most of these kids are below 50% attainment, and they truly need more help. Shame on me for trying to help!
  17. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    i can add some information to this & this is factual. The original contract for Dr. Parker that someone posted is accurate. However, if you all lived here during that time & syears or so after he was in "office" as Super behind closed doors the board members all of them but Donna White & Larry Strickland agreed to raise his salary & extended the contract.

    Since then again behind closed doors his contrac was redone thru the time that has now been posted & his salary does not & I stress does not include all the perks. He gets a paycheck for mileage, cell phone & "other expenses" on top of his $200 salary. I can't keep up with who posted what

    As for the billboard I think that is the one by the central office?? As for the Head of our country his base salary is in the vicinity of $250 that does not include his "expenses" which does top out around $300 something. This information coming from a person who actually does work for another party. It is public information but don't know how to find it at this time.

    I think what this person is getting at is the following: yes, therre is free after school sessions however, the school each & everyone single one is required to provide "in house" tutoring for "at risk" students. I can attest that this Middle school does not provide it b/c they do not have the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. There are alot of smart, very smart children failing Math with a paticular teacher & these student are at risk according to the JC guidelines. Parents have gone forth & all the school can offer is 1 or two days a week after school for a limited time & at which most of the times this teacher has cancelled. (my child is not one of these) Very close friends of mine of children in this situation & parents can not afford to send them to Sylvan.

    Bottom line is reduce the supers $$$$$$$$$$ (which is paid for by our tax dollars anyway) & help the at risk students in title 1 schools & yes this Middle School is a title 1 even though it technically can not be listed as one.

    I hope this helps
  18. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    employee. President Bush currently earns $400,000 per year, along with a $50,000 expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment

    there it is as of todays date
  19. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

  20. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    Perhaps the best, and most effective, course of action for parents at this school would be to contact the Parent Advisory Council. Through them, discover what the school is spending its budget on. The school has A LOT of discretionary funds, and McGees Middle is an almost brand new school. (That means the school is not playing "catch-up" in upgrading extremely outdated equipment, library books, etc. like the schools that are 25-30 years old must do.)

    Is there a particular program you think the school should be using for remediation? Some of those are VERY pricey and the PTA might be able to assist with. A program called Orchard is used at a lot of middle schools. It costs approximately 25,000 for all the software and licensing fees. Corinth Holders is using a program that costs $3000 per year for licensing fees. Several schools offer in-school remediation elective classes to assist low-performing students. This, however, involves hiring a teacher for the class and could mean the loss of a different teaching position.

    If this is mostly about one teacher, then the fault needs to be addressed with that teacher, not with a payroll issue. Perhaps the parents involved could go and observe their child's class one day to give them an idea about what's happening in the classroom. Truly, this seems to be a school level issue that should be addressed at that issue.

    By the way, a school is either Title I or not. (It can't be one and not be listed as one. That's a federal program, and not even JCS will mess with the feds when it comes to education dollars!) It cannot be a Title I school unless over 40% (I believe that's the number, but it might be 42 or 45%) of the students receive free/reduced lunch.

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