Two years ago during the multiday blackout in the northeast I was still able to use my mobile in Detroit.
YES, it does indeed exist. As previously mentioned this is the service we use. We had regualr RR for 6 months prior and I do not notice much difference between that and lite. The link you provided gives reviews from over a year ago ... it is possible the service has changed since then.
I was living in Clayton. No lost cell service here (for me) during any natural event of the past eight and a half years that I've been here. To be fully forth-coming, four years ago, I didn't have my current provider.
i have had earthlink for years. paying ~42/month for high speed. something like 5mb down. i also have vonage, and depending where else the power goes out ( in addition to my house ) i can still use my vonage phone. i have a UPS connected to my modem, routers, and cordless phone. i have about an hour of battery with those things plugged in
OK, I'm bumping this up because I didn't see the need to start a new topic. I need some thoughts on this. We currently have TWC. We do not have a home phone. For RR & Digi 1000 with 1 digital box, 1 DVR box, and 1 regular TV, we are paying 122.17 a month. And they tell me that IS the promotional price. I just called Embarq, and they are telling me that I can have home phone, DSL internet access and Dish with 80 channels for $90 a month. That's a $30 difference. I want to hear the arguements for both sides. TIA!
Roadrunner Lite. I have had it for a month or so, and there is NO difference in performance. Reg Roadrunner (as it was explained to me) is if you have multiple PCs hooked up to the net.
we use roadrunner here, but we don't have house phones at all. we all have cellphones, and we use those instead.
I have Roadrunner and TWC basic & standard, it runs about $85.00 a month. I think I could save about $20 off that by switching to RR lite, which I'm thinking about. I don't have a landline, I just use my cell phone.
How much does RR Lite cost? I have regular RR and I don't have multiple PC's hooked to the net, so if I could get RR Lite cheaper and for the same performance I'd be interested in the details. Thanks!
MY ONLY WISH FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO OBTAIN TIME WARNER CABLE!! Can anyone help me with this...when I call they state it is not available in my area. yet, I look out my window and can see the box on the pole. I even spoke with a technician on the pole one afternoon and he stated that we could get it. He gave me his technician number and told me to call and setup an install...Well they told me NO!! I told them what the technician said and they replied with 'I don't know why he told you that, I will have him call you' and I never received a call.....It would make me very happy if someone on here could assist me in getting the service to my house. I thought the distance from the pole/box was the issue, but the technician (ON THE POLE HE was doing service to the neighbors) asked if he could cut throught the field and I said YES!! It is my Father in Law's land and he is okay with that!! Anyone??
Well, this is interesting. I just called TWC to change to RR lite, and I was offered instead a promotional rate for the same service I have now, for the next 12 months, that's only about $5 more than RR Lite.
Ok, but what about bundled services? What are you guys paying TOTAL for your TWC bill, and what does that include?
Thank you! I just switched to RR Lite!! $24.95 is better than $44.95... :lol: Hope I like it!!! 8) Sorry Jennifer, I don't do TWC no info on that from me.
I have Embarq. Love it and have no issues at all. My bill is on the money every month and my 1.5M Internet is always reliable. My son and I are heavy gamers and never have any problems.
Happy to share the savings info.! We've used RR lite for about a year now. Sometimes both my husband and I are on-line (we have wireless access for our laptops) and don't notice a difference then either. The only time I found my computer slow was when I was trying to upload a ton of pictures to snapfish but even then I wondered if it was my computer or their web site causing the problem. Sorry Jenn can't help you with the bundle question. We replaced sattilite a year and a half ago with Netflix. Our phone is VOIP through SunRocket ... cost us less than $16 a month (think we got 3 mo. free) for all the features and long distance.