who do you call for stray animals?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by sirputz, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Alright you two, simmer down....Or you won't be invited to the BBQ!
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    :lol: I can BYOC (Bring Your Own Chicken). Maybe our PITA neighbors are related. :cheers:
  3. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  5. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    So, one statement made about one subject means that I believe I know everything??

    Geez, just how narrow minded are you anyway?
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Clif it is more than one statement, through your own misterious means you claimed to know what was in my mind regarding Guns and as late as yesterday my feeling on "class".

    P.S. As normal, you were wrong on both counts!
  7. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    See, you are wrong and you don't even care that you are wrong.

    I said I knew what a Democrat's stance were on those and, since you have labeled yourself a Democrat, then you should also have those stances.

    Now, I will bet good northern money that you will completely ignore my statement and continue to believe that I claim to know what was in your mind.
  8. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Well for example.. your knowledge and arrogance permeates thru my computer.. thats a clear indicator to me.
  9. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    Well, knowledge is one thing. As I said, I usually ask questions, which means my knowledge is lacking. Unfortunately some people feel that a person asking a question is an attack of some sort (especially if their own arrogance causes them to believe that everyone should already know the answer)

    As for my arrogance, I do apologize, but it's hard not to be arrogant when I'm among so many inferior people.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Since Democrats, just like Republicans, are not ditto reproductions of each other, you just proved yourself wrong again!
  11. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    I'm not sure how you gathered that. But if you tell me you have a car and I tell you that it has four tires, I'm not reading your mind, nor do I know everything about cars. (But you'd probably be quick to tell me I'm wrong and that it actually has five tires, as I didn't count the spare).

    You have declared yourself a Democrat. The Democrats have a platform, a list of things they believe in. Gun control is one of them. So, by virtue of you being a Democrat (as you claim), I can guess that you are in favour of gun control. If I am wrong, gee I'm wrong. But intelligent humans live life by making presumptions based on prior knowledge. We make our best guess based on information we have. You are a Democrat who is not in favour of gun control. Of course I could still be wrong. You have not stated specifically whether you are or not. I presumed you were based on the fact that you are a Democrat. Then you made a big stink out of my presumtion so I change my presumption based on that (after all, you wouldn't have such a tantrum unless I was wrong in the first place, right?)

    It's not mind reading, nor is it a matter of being a know-it-all, it's called living and learning.
  12. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Just stop ... please... stop? Let's get back to the yard bird please. :beathorse:
  13. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

  14. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

  15. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    From the link provided:
    A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth.

    I have no real fame, except what y'all grant me here.

    I'm certainly not omnipotent.

    I'm not wealthy (thanks to Democrats)

    As far as genius, I was accepted into Mensa several years back, but they have a nasty habit of asking for yearly dues, which I decided I was too smart to pay (which puts me one up on all them). Be that as it may, though, being a genius and being smart are two different things. If I were smart, I wouldn't be on here asking so many questions that seem to tick off such a small group of people.

    So, in short I do not have a false belief that I am famous or wealthy, nor do I have a false belief that I am omnipotent. According to Mensa, I am a genius, and I do believe it, but it is not false.
  16. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Check out Clif's Icon! :mrgreen:
  17. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    LOL, gawd.... :rolleyes:
  18. Clif002

    Clif002 Guest

    No, it's Launchpad McQuack.

    I wanted something else, but photo-shopped dolphins and dogs wearing glasses were already taken.
  19. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    they will never stop. and they will never go away. they are like a fungus. like kudzu. like a mushroom, they grow rampant in their own S h i t.
  20. tukasiya

    tukasiya Well-Known Member

    "Launchpad McQuack first appeared as Scrooge McDuck's pilot in the DuckTales cartoon series. He later appeared in the spin-off series Darkwing Duck as Darkwing's sidekick.[9] He is usually depicted as brave, good-hearted, and incredibly dim-witted."

    brave? Yes, you have cojones.

    good-hearted? Hmmm?

    incredibly dim-witted? Bingo! Award yourself a cookie!

    I believe that you should consider changing your icon.

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