Why is no one upset about...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by harleygirl, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Harley honey, I feel your pain. I normally leave my clients their invoice along with a self addressed stamped envelope (as a convenience to them) so they can remit their payment. Occasionally, I have run across times where I have a super busy schedule and end up stampless on a last visit and leave it to the client to stamp the envelope. With hearing about the postal rate hike, I started giving my clients the option of using Paypal, while this costs me a small percentage, it frees me up from carrying stamps, or the hassle of keeping a bunch of one cent stamps on hand. This way, I only have to worry about postage on what I have to send out.

    Could you possibly send your invoices electronically? It would cut out the bulk of your out-going postage significantly if you do. Ahh, just read page two- you have some puterless clients...can't imagine being high tech enough for an alarm system, but not having a pc. . .hmmm, well, just invoice the older folks then - and check with them first....you never know, they may have gotten one since you last visited.

    Hope this is of some help to you.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  2. JC-native

    JC-native Well-Known Member

    Like several of you I hate going to the post office, so when I do I just buy a whole roll of stamps. I just finished the 37 cent roll and all my 1 cent stamps. Now I need another bunch of make up stamps to finish my 39 cent roll.
  3. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the input. I'd like to do everything by e-mail, but... well there's always a but.... :lol:

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