Will Johnston County Schools Ban Gideons?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DontCareHowYouDoItInNY, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. GarnerHome

    GarnerHome Well-Known Member

    That would be unconstitutional. You would have to ban all extracurricular clubs and outside organizations. Just like you cannot discriminate between religions, you also cannot target for exclusion only religious clubs.

    I've seen references to separation of church and state. Of course, this phrase is found nowhere in the constitution. And the person who wrote those words 200 years before the Supreme Court first used it employed chaplains in his state university. And THE textbook in schools used to be the bible. So What the Constitution says appears to change.

    Not saying we should or even need to go back to this, but interesting how the Bible has become a banned book in our modern society.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    You seem to be conflating the banning of the Bible as equal to precluding the distribution of the Bible at a public school.

    No student has ever been told, as far as I am aware, that they can not carry a Bible, or read it during breaks, at lunchtime, etc. And if they have, then the school was wrong to do so, just as they would be just as wrong to prevent a student from reading anything else their parents have given them. As long as it doesn't become an interruption of the school day, I see no problem with it.

    Yet, having seen some elementary students attempting to 'witness' to their fellow elementary schoolers, I find that inappropriate.

    It seems to me that for many of the New Testament community, their rights to share their beliefs should be protected. Yet when another belief group objects to the promotion of the New Testament beliefs, they are attacked as being Non Christian..and even worse.

    When someone seeks to enjoy the rights you enjoy, that is not an attack on your rights. It's merely seeking equality of rights.

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