Year Round School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MrsPeepers, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I personally view starting school in July and ending in June as year round.
  2. kmollins

    kmollins Well-Known Member

    There are still almost 2 months of vacation and you get 3 weeks at Christmas (which I think as of late has been lacking). Year round wold be 4 three week breaks.
  3. kmollins

    kmollins Well-Known Member

    I am not meaning to be argumentative but I think so much negative has been said about something that can be so positive from a number of different perspectives. It is a change and that is hard to take at times but it is not that big of a change (like going to multi track year round schools).
  4. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I simply would love to see an open and honest discussion concerning the education of ALL children in our schools rather than just one population. I have tried over and over to get my kids' schools and the central office to make positive changes for kids like mine and get no where. All they talk about is how to help get kids to passing levels. Those children deserve all we can do to help them as well, but kids on the other end of the spectrum need just as much time and energy spent on their educations. I personally don't believe that going to the proposed calendar will improve the educations of enough children to justify making the change. There are other options that need to be explored first.
  5. mmchallen

    mmchallen Member

    Riverwood voted YES!!!! :hurray: Seems even a top school realizes the benefits for all children!
  6. mmchallen

    mmchallen Member

    Just heard West Clayton & East Clayton voted YES!
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I agree. I couldn't give a rat's patoot whether the adminstrators or teachers want it or not. It is NOT their call. This decison needs to be up to the PARENTS (aka TAXPAYERS). Trust me, I will remember come election time. :evil:
  8. LovingLife10

    LovingLife10 Well-Known Member

    I was under the impression it was still up to the parents. Didn't they say that BOTH staff and parents had to be at 50%. Just because the staff says YES doesn't mean it will happen. And I completely disagree with the statement that it should be up to the parents alone because they are the taxpayers. I am pretty certain that the teachers and admins are taxpayers too and have a stake in the decision. It is our children's education, but it is their job. They are also formally educated in the area of education, something that most parents are not.
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Not no, BUT HECK NO!

    I tried to be objective, especially asking relevant questions. PES parent notes will go out Monday. No idea as to when the parent meeting will be conducted, but I would imagine that it would be within the next week or so.

    If no questions or discussion is to be conducted at the meeting, I wonder what the purpose of the meeting is.

    Based on the underhanded manner in which this has been handled, and the snow job that has been handed us, I am voting NO, and urging all Polenta parents to do the same.

    It seems to me that a good idea should be discussed with the merits and fall backs openly discussed and a consensus developed. That's the way a mature discussion of events of this magnitude should happen.

    I have attempted to develop a SWOT analysis of the proposed change, asking the elected members of the school board for answers, requesting it of the principal, and emailing Central Office. I have heard ZIP!

    And if they don't share the concern that many of us have, seeking answers, then I shall remember this on election time. It's time to clean house.

    Vote NO! on the adoption of the new calendar.
  10. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm sorry, but unless they have children attending, then no, then in my opinion, they shouldn't get to vote, seem self serving to me. I don't want to work all week, but guess what? My employer seems to think I need to be there 5 days a week. Guess who decides??
  11. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    from my understanding from Four Oaks teachers

    4 questions
    yes / no response

    1) do you think this would benefit children ?

    2) do you want to see your' school go to this calender ?

    3) would you work intercession ?

    4) would you transfer ?

    more of a poll than an up or down vote, in my opinion.
  12. kmollins

    kmollins Well-Known Member

    This should have never gone to anyone but the school board for a vote. Handling it this way has created more chaos than it has helped. If the school board and superintendent believe that this calendar is in the best interest of the children in the school district based on studies and the trial in Smithfield than they just should have voted, informed, and implemented. Leadership.
  13. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    you are correct comrad, many thanks.
  14. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    How did I miss this? Year around school? East Clayton? Beginning when?
  15. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    I ok I just exploded like Mt St Helens. I just read what Wulf Jr brought home and as for justifying this move all I can say is....WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT


  16. Tator2011

    Tator2011 Member

    Conspiracy theories...panic in the streets...mass brainwashing...

    You would think we were in a apocalyptic Hollywood movie rather than Johnston county.
    It's just a calendar change with 4 weeks moved around to allow for remediation throughout the year and more breaks.
    There's been people fanning the flames of revolution like this is the middle east.
    So a few points.
    First, this is not a year round calendar by any means. If you have seven weeks off for the summer, that's probably six weeks longer than most parents would like anyway.
    Second, a couple years ago the county started thinking about changing the calendar. They decided to pilot the program with 2 schools that had significant support of the idea from parents. Those schools seem to enjoy it and they've had success. So now the county is offering the opportunity to explore the idea to those schools that were denied earlier. So this was not some overnight asteroid from the sky.
    Third, the school board (elected representatives of the voters) are the ones that will decide. [By the way, I did not vote for several of these individuals, but I consider them honest people with good intentions, not out to dupe the public as sometimes portrayed] Each school interested will present their case to the board after surveying staff and parents about how it would affect them and what they think. So staff did not vote and parents will not vote. The school is just getting everyone's feelings which is what I'd expect. They'll use that information to present their plans to the board. Even if staff and parents support the idea, the board may not believe the plan is worthwhile and decide against it. However, when they allowed West Smithfield and South Smithfield to try this, there was an expectation that others could pursue it later. So they are now following through.
    Fourth, all schools receive a certain amount of money which must be used for remediation. That money is currently used for teachers to tutor after or before school. It also funds extra tutors during the day. However, these methods are not ideal. Often tutoring doesn't begin until late in the year. Students miss one subject to be tutored in another. The intersession week allows a time when students wouldn't miss anything and before they've fallen too far behind.

    Does the schedule have drawbacks? Yes, mostly that it doesn't match perfectly with middle school and high school.

    So if you have a child in elem and middle, then you may not like it.
    If you are fortunate enough to have a child that doesn't struggle in school, then it may not matter.

    So for some it might be inconvenient. For many it won't matter one way or another. However, for others it might prove a real benefit.
  17. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    LOL.....thinking like this is what has borked the schooling in this country.
  18. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    The idea that this calendar prevents "teacher burnout" is about the most asinine thing I have ever read. If a freakin teacher can't deal with working Aug through May then I don't want them teaching children.

    I wish my employer would give me a few weeks off every now and again to prevent such tragedies from happening. Give me a break.

    Good ole gubmint schooling. In an effort to "fix" one thing they **** up ten others.
  19. CanisLupis

    CanisLupis Banned

    Hat we don't agree on much but brother you just knocked it out of the park here.
  20. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    it will benefit the left end of the bell curve.

    That's graphical, not political !

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