Yellow flashing arrows

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Harvey, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Well, I was taught to drive in PA, and in PA it says if you are on a one way street, that turns left onto another one way street, and you are at a red light, you are permitted to turn left on red. (in essence it is the same as a right on red in any other case.)

    And if this is illegal in NC, why then didn't the Po po stop me in Raleigh when I was there 2 months ago.
    Maybe the cop didn't care. I dunno, but I'll continue to do this because it is what I was taught, and if all states can't come to an agreement on general rules and regulations, then how are we supposed to know?
    Am I supposed to read up on all the laws regarding each and every state I visit?
  2. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    Only after stopping and yielding to oncoming traffic which means the person one pulls in front should not have to slow down for the person not yielding to them.
  3. kevinsmithii

    kevinsmithii Well-Known Member

    Yes that is one's responsibility once given the privilege to drive.
  4. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    Kevin, that is impossible, with the way laws change at any given moment. What if today, my Grandfather passed away, and I had to travel back to PA, thru 4 states, I'm supposed to read up on the laws in each of them before I begin my travel?

    You can go pound salt as can the cop that would stop me.

    Make em all the same, or do away with em all!
  5. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I hate it when people come to a complete stop at a Yield when you can clearly see that there is nobody coming on the road you are yielding on to. And then even worse when it takes them like a minute to finally go.

    I get this all the time coming off 70E onto 42W. There will be nobody at the light (that may or may not be blocking your view down 42), and nobody is coming down 42, and they come to a complete stop when making a right at the Yield sign.
  6. sirputz

    sirputz Well-Known Member

    I was never given a test when I moved to NC, so how can I learn all the laws necessary. I am a resident of NC now, after living in PA then FL. I never had to test in FL either.

    My point, if you would take the time to read it is, IF I were to take a trip thru several states, how in God's good name am I supposed to know which laws the local Po Po enforce in each of those state's, towns, cities. I do not reside in any other state but one, so how could I possibly know what is legal and not if there is no commonality in the laws.

    There should just be a national law across the US that says what is legal and what is not.
  7. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    When they first put that in all I could think about was how many accidents would be caused! Too many people think the red light takes precedence over the yield sign. I personally barely slow down if nobody is in front of me but if I have anyone ahead of me I back off considerably because they almost invariably come to a stop when they see that light.

    Another irritant is the fool that slows down trying to enter onto 40 instead of speeding up and blending in with oncoming traffic.
  8. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I hate people that don't know how to use an ACCELERATION lane! You should be at 70 mph before merging into the main travel lanes. If a Prius can do it, so can your car. You have over 700 feet to get your car from 25 mph to 70 mph before you get to the arrows. As soon as the the ramp straightens out, you should be completely on the gas, especially if other cars are behind you and/or there is traffic.

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