Well, if I got warned 4 times, on record (so you can imagine how many incidences probably never made it to her personel file), and continued the same behavior...well, then who's the bigger idiot, the employee or the employer? And for me personally, I bill my time. So if I want to type away all day, it's no big deal as long as I meet my deadlines and chargeable time.
It quite possibly is not her fault and is involuntary. A am an ugly man (only on the outside 8)), it was not voluntary on my part. If the boss does not like my face and tells me that 4 times or more is that grounds for firing?
or she could just be falling into the poor me, i am owed everything frame of mind - don't know cause i do not know the case intimately but i do know there are a lot of state workers who are being paid by our tax money and we are paying their medical benefits that all of us private workers have to pay ourselves and those state workers do sit on their butts all day and do nothing but make more than a lot of us and we are paying their salary and their benefits - where is the justice in that? If you work for a private company and can do that, that is one thing, but if taxpayers are paying your salary and you do it, that is a whole different ballgame.
OSA Tuesday March 24th Sleep Apnea Fair in Clayton free of charge screenings http://www.activehealthcare.com/ for more info Someone dropped this flyer off at our business on Monday just an FYI since the subject is being discussed
Because in North Carolina no reason is needed to fire an employee...unless you have a Personnel Manual that says you do...which most state workers are covered under the State Personnel Act....which limits the reasons for firings.
ahhh, so the employees whose salaries and benefits we are paying also don't have to live by the same law the private sector does??? Wow now i see why there is so much dead weight, they don't have to worry about losing their job so much. Does it make a lot of sense that the state that passes the law affecting the right to work don't apply it to their own employees???
It's high time local and national govt answered to us instead of the other way around. NC State Govt - Our ***** Don't Stank!
Private sector employees can't be fired at will IF their employers have Personnel Manual that state otherwise.
And why on earth would it benefit them to have one? I think the State compensation package alone plays a big role in the Personnel Manual.
i would be curious to see how many small businesses or even how many of all businesses actually do. But my point still is, why pass a law and not apply it to yourselves?
The point is...the law does apply to all equally. If a business wants to make one of the benefits to their employee a disciplinary procedure that prevents "at-will" firings they can...and a great many do. Or in a union contract that is usually one of the issues bargained for.....so it is available to all businesses. As a contract HR consultant...one of the first thing I suggest to a business when they are constructing a Personnel Manual is to state the "at-will provision" in their opening of the manual and state they are not giving that right up. But the number of business that have a Personnel Manual that prevents "at-will" firings is the reason we have so many labor attorneys.
Seems to me she's got sleep apnea confused with narcolepsy...AND she's using it as an excuse (read: don't hold me accountable for my actions). Little sympathy, especially since she's had other issues of irresponsibility...