Yourth employment certificate (YEC)

Discussion in 'Jobs Network' started by bettyboop, May 8, 2009.

  1. bettyboop

    bettyboop Guest

    You no longer have to take the work permit to Social Services to get signed, it is done on the internet and approved online. YEC Auto, Copy and paste this link, follow directions on the site, student sign, parent sign, take to employer and they sign and keep it for 2 years. When you get to the print part, (take it from experience) print 2 copies just in case one gets lost or messed up. It will not let you go back in later and get a copy. You have to call and get the YEC # and keep on file. This law changed over a year ago, I was certified to sign work permits when working with the high school students. Hope this helps for the under 18 kids who go to work. Just make sure you have a firm job offer before getting the YEC.

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