Hey Melynda! I was slumming over here after reaching the end of facebook and saw your post, I had no idea that was you lol Good Luck in November!
Geesh, google y'all. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10920-Cleveland-Rd-Garner-NC-27529/2128336309_zpid/ It was taken off the market back in...
Bark and Bath
Well with all the meth labs around.....
You're right, CPD would have jurisdiction but nothing they can do if the homeless-uh-scammer has a permit. I lol at the bus ticket signs too, the...
Kind of like how Walmart is called WatmartS? FWIW, that area has always been known as Cleveland School.
http://ncchildcare.nc.gov/parents/pr_sn2_ov.asp http://www.partnershipforchildrenjoco.org/supporting-families/choosing-childcare/...
CPD cannot do anything because it is not IN Clayton. It is outside town limits. This is why you see them at various intersections around the 40/42...
If they are in excellent condition, contact your local police dept. Officers always keep stuffed animals in their trunks to give to children...
Stinger PI lol
This. As long as it is within the noise ordinance time frame, there is not a thing you can do. Heck, they could be out there shooting firearms...
Separate names with a comma.