Pedigree coupon is for 4 cans = FREE!!! (up to $4.36) expires 12/31/10 Holler at me if ya want it. I can put it in the mail 2-day. Sandy from our very own Faye! :hurray:
Does anyone know if Jordans Jewelers does engraving? Gonna put Buddy's name, # etc on his collar that has a brass plate on it. TIA
Have a super great birthday! :cheers:
OK. It's been a LONG time since we've had a puppy. (no I don't have one YET) What can I expect for shots, etc...during the first year? I...
Full Blooded 2 years old GREAT with other dogs and children $100 rehoming fee PM me or call me and I'll get you in touch with my aunt.
I"m still waiting on the *calander* ;) Hope you have a great day!
Has some pretty good deals this week. Don't everybody RUN over and get all the good deals now. :lol: Save some shrimps for me.!/pages/You-Know-You-Go-to-West-Johnston-Wh...
:ack::ack::ack: I'm personally sick to death from hearing these commercials. Seriously. :ack::ack::ack: I'd like to know what WOMAN wants...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :cheers::cheers: Have a super awesome day girlie.
NON ALCOHOLIC! :lol: Crystal Lite is getting WAY 2 expensive Wylers is OK Do any of you know if there are store brands I could buy? LF & FL (@...
Signed up with Direct TV last night ... here's the deal (we only needed the DVR box not one in the bedroom) $39.99/mo plan + DVR service...
Description Li'l Joey's offers a wide variety of children's clothes and accessories from Newborn to size 16. Sadly, after serving the...
I spent at LF today? $10 :hurray::hurray::hurray: Got 2 pks of chicken on sale .49/lb 1 gallon of milk (the cheapest I could find) LF brand...
I've been giving mattie tuna juice to clean her out, what esle can I use?
There was a coupon not so long ago for Maxwell House coffee. If any of you have one or 10 I NEED 'em! DH has switched brands and he likes the...
Where can we get an inexpensive bed frame and headboard. TIA :grouphug: PS: NOT CRAIGSLIST
MIL & FIL will be spending Wednesday with us, what in the Clayton/Garner/Raleigh area is there to do?? TIA.
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