It's not private so you should be able to see it either way.... I'm too lazy to go re tag.... :lol::lol:
as soon as I am accepted, I shall view. :hurray: and if anybody else is missing, you'll have to let me know....I be damned if I can tell who is there and who isnt....doesnt mean I dont love you all.
Me too - going Fri to get one checked on my face....hope they don't have to cut half my face off!!! It started out as a big freckle, but now its changed and raised just a little.....:cry:
I just had one burnt off my face. And you can't even tell it was there, ever. no scar at all. Love me some Dr. Puente..... I go for the whole body check in April....I am nervous too. You'll be fine Red.
Thanks!! Had an uncle that died 8 months to the day when they removed a malignant mole. This was about 10 years ago... he was only 37 ... so I guess that's why I'm so freaked out. But, what can you do.... ?? :neutral:
Good luck guys! Don't put it off, that is for sure. It's not so noticable now, but I had a lump taken off my cheek a few years ago, it was more under the skin than on top. Was not cancer but I had an inch long scar, you still won't see me without make-up.:? Vanity will get ya, I should have had it removed sooner.
chow ya'll... guess i gotta go get my ratty arse in the shower :lol::lol: since i do have a dr appt.... :lol::lol::mrgreen:
They CAN be related to hormones, too. I have one that shows up on my chin every so often during AF's visit. And it is an UGLY one, too. Everything will be fine! I'm thinking about you both.