But on a HAPPY NOTE......... we got Mr. Little Clone of Daddy registered for Kindergarden today!!!! Weieieie Weieiieie!!! Go Little Man!!! and Who ever said it would take about 10 min's was wwaaay wrong. With no line & it was 30+ min's just filling out form after form. Still we are soooo Happy to be ready for Big K in the fall.
A little bragging to follow........................my DS placed 8th in the Boy Scouts District Pinewood Derby today (out of 42 kids from all the den's in the county). Woo Hoo! Not bad for his first year in the event! OK, bragging is over now.....................................
Glad my Pinewood Derby days are over! When my son was competing in Pinwood Derby some of the kids showed up with cars that looked like NASCAR vehicles. Turned out their dads were either auto mechanics, body shop managers, etc. My son never had a chance! Congratulations to your son KDC!
Thanks! It was definitley competitive.................no auto mechanics or the like here, but DH is fairly handy and did a lot of research to see what types of things you could do to increase the speeds legally. It was a lot of fun, he did way better than I thought he would, I thought we'd get spanked! :lol:
HG, is that a new picture of Shelby? She looks the same, but I don't remember that blue background. Or maybe I've just been spacing it!
Thanks KDsgrnadma! Changed my mind about going outside! It is windy and way colder than it looks! :shock:
As I have posted before, I LOVE La Cocina here in Clayton, especially the Shrimp ACC (the grilled shrimp w/cheese sauce on it)..........does anyone have any idea what type of cheese they use for the cheese sauce. I'd love to be able to make some at home. :-D If you've never tried it, you are in for a treat! I wish I had a nickel for every person I've gotten hooked on it.
I would guess... queso blanco.... If you go to Lowes Foods, in the aisle where they have all the mexican foods, in the small refrigerated case there were some mexican cheese sauces on the upper shelves, and one was a white sauce, might try that. I think it was about $4 for the container.
Congrats, Kel!! Which school? My Little One goes to Polenta. The first day of school, the parents got to go to the Yahoo! BooHoo! Room. It was great Frogger
The Boohoo Room is a neat idea. Most of the separation anxiety I see, as marked by crying, is from the parents, mostly, but not limited to, Moms. The kids are too excited to be concerned. H6