The only time I have been to Dorthea Dix was to play a game of softball with co workers. Its good exercise. you should try it sometime. :mrgreen:
I just had a Bojangles biscuit for breakfast! (hadn't had any fast food biscuits in months now....mmmmmmm):mrgreen:
I am slurping down coffee right now. If it don't kick in soon . I'm gonna have to start eating the I wanna home and go to bed.
I want a hot single redheaded lady...Independent....Pirdy...Loves Duke Basketball....and must and I mean must.....Like Dodge trucks!!!
It's almost Friday..YIPPIE...counting down, only 5 more working days (not counting today) until ready!
You know, I have noticed over the past few years that redheads are becoming the (female hair) colour of choice. It used to be blonds, but more and more it's redheads. Has anyone else noticed this? Me too, especially since I already have them.
I'm so ready! Haven't been on a "real" vacation since last summer! Haven't had any time off either! The whole week it's gonna be BEER 30 for me!
Ah, the old indecent proposal..... That would be a helluva thing to discuss around here. Oh, and BTW- Harley, you're not a readhead!